Some thoughts on UX content and design-stage localisationHow bringing translators in early improves user experienceApr 5, 20231Apr 5, 20231
With the end in mindSitting with the dying means paying attention. Depending on how you define the role, there may be some amount of ‘doing’. But not that…Feb 9, 2023Feb 9, 2023
The ways we end (2): on listeningExcerpts from my notes as a hospice volunteerJan 17, 2023Jan 17, 2023
A year in (content) design learningAll the courses and workshops I took in 2022Dec 28, 2022Dec 28, 2022
On writing about money and diasporaThis is based on a talk I did for the Stockholm UX Writing and Content Design meetup on the topic of The Language of Care. It was held on…Nov 29, 2021Nov 29, 2021