Published inTheVentureCityGuillermo Cortina: “Quien controla las finanzas, controla su startup”VP of Bank, veterano en la industria y enamorado del mundo emprendedorJan 9, 2019Jan 9, 2019
Published inTheVentureCity2019, ¡vamos a por ti!En TheVentureCity miramos el futuro con ilusión. Tras nuestro primer año completo operando, nos lanzamos con fuerzas renovadas para seguir…Dec 28, 2018Dec 28, 2018
Published inTheVentureCity2019, we’re coming for you!At TheVentureCity we look toward the future with hope. After finishing our first calendar year of operations, we’re coming back in 2019…Dec 28, 2018Dec 28, 2018
Published inTheVentureCityPeoople, la crème de la crèmeThe startup that helps you discover recommendations from Friends and influencers just joined TheVentureCity’s Growth Accelerator.Dec 26, 2018Dec 26, 2018
Published inTheVentureCityPeoople, de lo bueno, lo mejorLa startup para descubrir las recomendaciones de amigos e influencers entra en el Growth Accelerator de TheVentureCityDec 26, 2018Dec 26, 2018
Published inTheVentureCityWe’ve launched Citizen, a new podcast from TheVentureCityEvery month, TheVentureCity will introduce you to our team, share our learnings and explain the latest global trends in the startup…Dec 18, 2018Dec 18, 2018
Published inTheVentureCityNace Citizen, el nuevo podcast de TheVentureCityCada mes TheVentureCity presentará a su equipo, brindará consejos y explicará cuáles son las tendencias del ecosistema startup en el mundoDec 17, 2018Dec 17, 2018
Published inTheVentureCityTheVentureCity now speaks PortugueseRicardo Sangion, Former Director at Pinterest, Facebook, and Microsoft joins TheVentureCity as VP Growth Accelerator — Americas…Dec 6, 2018Dec 6, 2018
Published inTheVentureCityTheVentureCity agora fala portuguêsRicardo Sangion, ex-executivo do Pinterest, Facebook e Microsoft chega à TheVentureCity como VP of Growth Accelerator para as Americas…Dec 6, 2018Dec 6, 2018
Published inTheVentureCityTheVentureCity ya habla portuguésRicardo Sangion, exdirectivo de Pinterest, Facebook y Microsoft llega a TheVentureCity como VP of Growth Accelerator para AmericasDec 6, 2018Dec 6, 2018