Balancing Attempts Digital Divide Nias Island

Rosa Delima Mendrofa
4 min readMay 12, 2019


Nias Island is a remote island in Indonesia that has not felt the technological developments. Nias community life is still primitive and still classified as disadvantaged areas. This led to many residents of Nias who immigrated to Sibolga. The migration of people of Nias in various areas can not be separated from the less support the economy of Nias. In addition it also cultural emphasis by old people who still adhere to customs forcing their children should go wander. Reasons to get a better life, and also get a mate from other ethnic groups is the main reason they leave. As we know today, the level of public education the island is very low and almost did not go to school because of strong family culture.

Ethnic Nias that have migrated to Sibolga certainly bring their own cultures. In the colony where they are still often carry out their customs especially during weddings. However, Sibolga is a very diverse area, there are diverse cultures in Sibolga, in other words the people of Nias also must be able to adapt to the local culture. Native culture is a culture sumando Sibolga. Already a regulation in Sibolga, if someone comes to Sibolga must be willing to adapt to the local culture. Adjust in terms of respect and important when participating in cultural activities in Sibolga, but that does not mean they have to abandon their identity.

As a result of the strong cultural influences make Nias Nias people who immigrated to the city of Sibolga difficult to adapt because of social and cultural differences as well as technology. Sibolga area is an area that is more advanced than the island of Nias in terms of technology. Differences are clear cultural character becomes inhibiting their interaction, especially in communication. Frequent conflicts between ethnic Nias with another due to the teasing. In the area of ​​Ketapang Sibolga been conflicts between the ethnic Batak Nias. Batak ethnic feel dominates the area. This creates a social jealousy for Ethnic Nias. Infrastructure and technology developments have completed the Sibolga area of ​​this municipality.

Technological development in Sibolga, resulting in the emergence of the digital divide (digital divide). Digital divide is social and economic inequality regarding access, use, or the impact of information and communication technology. The problem of this gap continues to accompany the development of technology in Sibolga, but not to the island or the people of Nias. This causes Nias residents who immigrated to Sibolga to lag behind in information and technology. In addition, people who already have access to the technology to be more individualistic and uncaring towards others.

This problem required the government’s role in leveling the construction of infrastructure in each region, particularly the island of Nias. This equalization is not only the construction, but to prepare the community for the use of new technologies by organizing a training institute implementation of new technology. Digital gap that occurred in the area of ​​Sibolga and Nias caused by infrastructure factors. In real terms we can see from the social life of the community, when people who have access to computers and the Internet, would be more quickly obtain information compared to those better still use the mail to communicate with others. In the digital divide, artifacts are three main aspects that are interconnected and constitute the main focus of which need to be considered, as follows.

1. Access / Infrastructure

Differences between individuals in the acquisition capability or access to ICT infrastructure for differing distribution of information.

2. Ability (Skill and Training)

Differences between individual ability in using or use the access and infrastructure that have been obtained. Next is the difference between individuals in achieving ICT capabilities required to utilize ICT infrastructure and access.

3. The information content (content / resources)

Differences between individuals in the use of information provided after a person can access and use the technology according to their needs.

Here are some solutions that can be applied in balancing the digital divide in Sibolga.

a. Preparing people to be able to handle, receive, assess, decide and choose the information available. Preparation of the psychological conditions for the people to receive, assess, decide and choose for themselves the information will be more effective and mature society to be able to manage the information properly.

b. Construction of telecommunication facilities between town and country, so that every community that wants to access information can be achieved by providing adequate telecommunications facilities. Internet services have an important role in reducing the digital divide.

Globalisais in the current era, where the demand for technology and communication networks increased rapidly in Indonesia requires each region to provide electronic-based services to the public with a view to mengefektif and streamline services to the public. For that dibutuhakan e-government. But in its implementation in several areas including Sibolga and Nias Island remains constrained, particularly the limited availability of infrastructure that actually lead to the digital divide. Digital divide has meaning as the gaps (gap) between individuals, households, businesses, and are ageografis at different socioeconomic levels in terms of opportunities to access information and communication technologies.



Rosa Delima Mendrofa

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