Executive Resume Writing Services

Rosa Vargas
3 min readAug 3, 2020


Executive resume writing services are professional writing firms which specialize in the development of career content such as resumes, cover letters, biographies, LinkedIn profiles, websites, and personal brands — among other personal marketing collateral — to help executives (senior-level leaders and members of the C-Suite) achieve career growth, attain Board of Directors positions, or locate new, six-figure employment.

Many of the top, professional executive resume writing services have been in business for more than a decade and partner with top-caliber executives of Fortune 50/100/500 corporations.

Executive resume writing firms can help executive job seekers, managers, and rising executives achieve career success beyond what they can reach alone.


Because writing career marketing dossiers is a craft, it requires plenty of training, practice, time, and exposure to a myriad of business challenges facing executive job seekers.

It is also a passion. Those who write executive resumes not only bring the corporate background needed to understand the business landscape but enjoy problem-solving and tapping the power of content marketing to help executives soar in their job search.

Top Executive Resume Writing Firms Offer Comprehensive Services

You might think that resume development is the only way that a professional resume writing firm can help you. However, that is not the case. Executive resume writing services include the following executive job search solutions: resumes, cover letters, LinkedIn profiles, biographies, executive coaching, recruiter letters, and distribution services to recruiters.

A suite of executive resume writing services in a resume package will enable you to work with one firm/one resume writer throughout your entire job-search journey.

This will not only help you build the type of rapport that will produce great results, but you will build an executive-level portfolio of services critical to your job search success with one executive resume writer, ensuring that your executive marketing message is consistent.

Executive Resume Writers For Top Writing Firms are Certified

Remember, I mentioned above that executive resume writers are highly trained professionals. Well, many of these training endeavors lead to certifications by the top and globally-recognized resume writing organizations.

Hiring a certified executive resume writer will help you/job seekers vet writers and narrow down a list of top resume writers who have earned a seal of approval from professional resume writing associations.

A few of these top resume writing credentialing bodies are:

The National Resume Writer’s Association.

Career Director’s International.

Professional Association of Resume Writers and Career Coaches.

The Resume Writing Academy.

Career Thought Leaders.

How Do You Choose An Executive Resume Writing Service and Is it a Good Idea?

If you are looking to position yourself ahead of the executive job search mob, especially amid a historic recession, you must give yourself every opportunity you can to gain a competitive edge.

So, yes, hiring an executive resume writer to assist you with your job search campaign is a great idea.

First, you will partner with an executive resume writing firm that can guide you from determining your unique value offer to developing your resume and getting into the hands of top executive recruiters.

Second, you will hire expertise that can help you level up your marketing game.

Do you know what hundreds of C-Suite executives (CEOs, CTOs, CIOs, COOs, CMOs) are promoting on their resume? No? An expert executive resume writer does know because they/we help hundreds of executives a year.

I work with global executives from a multitude of sectors. It is a privilage to help and learn about the challenges they face in different geographical markets and industries. This experience has been instrumental as I help my executive clients achieve next-level career success. Rosa Elizabeth Vargas

Third, make a list of top executive resume writers by searching online and contact them to set up a complimentary one-on-one consultation. Once you have been able to pin down the top resume writers for you, you can present your questions and choose your resume writing partner.

Good luck!

Rosa Elizbeth Vargas
Certified Executive Resume Writer
Certified Career Management Coach



Rosa Vargas

Rosa Elizabeth Vargas is the Chief Executive Resume Writer and Career Coach at www.careersteering.com