Stop wasting time! Why the only analytics worth having are intelligent behavioral analytics

You might feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day sometimes. Even more reason to take a couple of minutes out to find out what you can do about it…

Rosanna Elliott
3 min readJan 12, 2018
Time doesn’t grow on trees…right?

Forget the old adage “time is money”. These days time is worth more than its weight in gold.

In our bustling hyper-caffeinated modern routines, what business person or professional can say they have enough time to do all the things they want — or have — to do?

That’s a tediously familiar line right? You must have read it numerous times in various publications.

But this time I’m not going to try and sell you on a “lifestyle change” or start extolling the values of “creating some time” to take a hot yoga class or open your third eye.

That feeling when you’re late to your 9 am meeting

I don’t even think it’s time we’re short on, but rather the energy to make use of the time we have.

It’s too easy to get into the red with our resources and at the end of the day crashing out on the sofa looks pretty good, because we’ve probably burned ourselves out at work.

The solution? Efficient intelligent technology.

Maybe you’ve been watching Black Mirror during your evening sofa sessions and it’s got you pondering the true value — or cost — of increasingly sophisticated technology.

Do Robots like this one want to kill us all?

While I can’t speak for Virtual Reality space games or brain implants that track the whereabouts of children, I can speak for the value of SessionCam.

SessionCam’s suite of intelligent features can dramatically boost your business’ efficiency.

With no dystopian twists. While the technology is sophisticated, the principle is extremely simple:

SessionCam saves you time and effort.

The Customer Struggle score processes visitor behaviour on a sweeping scale and surfaces web sessions where a visitor experienced frustration for you. You don’t have to dig through droves of data, it drops the vital info in your lap.

Key Journeys makes discovering patterns in your website traffic effortless. It intelligently suggests and prioritizes your most valuable routes to conversions so that you can create funnels based on proven visitor behaviour.

It gets straight to the good stuff and saves you a tonne of time and effort along the way.

Good stuff!

Perhaps most valuable of all is Opportunities — a new kind of dashboard that makes viewing changes and trends in your website visitor data easier than ever before.

It shows you changes in conversion and site performance by performing hundreds of checks on your funnel and Key Journeys data.

The dash layout is designed to offer insights at a glance and saves you heaps of time while increasing your knowledge around visitor behavior.

I’ve mentioned briefly just a few of SessionCam’s incredibly efficient features.

The whole suite is designed to save you and your business time and effort — valuable resources you could put to use elsewhere.

So what are you waiting for? Time’s a wastin’. Sign up for a free 21 day trial of SessionCam today.

