Rosann Ferrier
1 min readJul 1, 2023
Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

The feather floats from the sky
As free as a bird without any ties
I am the feather without any binds
Away from your words that were unkind
I stroll along meandering streams
A river bank of future dreams
My new found freedom makes me ponder
Will my future be filled with wonder
Will I be rich and live like a king
Find true love and a wedding ring
Will I live in a castle or a stone-built house
Will I buy a cat or a very small mouse
I could be an actor and work on a stage
Or a writer who fills out every page
All I know is I’m forever free
Without any ties to restrain me
My dreams and hopes forever bright
Light the way in the dark, like a very bright light
The grass is green beneath my feet
My heart now beats to a happier beat

