Loose voices of a money changer.

Rosaura Sánchez
2 min readFeb 5, 2018

The exchange rate in this city
is drowning with the words that are not said,
in exchange of a little more security in the shadow of formless talks.

And yesterday the rate was somewhat better,
was to know and not speak out loud
in exchange for getting right what lies in other people’s minds.

Some bite their desire to tell us,
and others win in the game of holding out.
This is how the currency fluctuates in this city.

But, I’m so sorry to tell you all
that all exchange bureaus are closed, however not all…
only in which your wishes were exchanged.
And we no longer want to negotiate hopes
in a place where waiting is unknown.

This city could have been filled with live voices,
but it’s currency only lives from the silence
which is exchanged for demands to the present
what only in the tomorrow is given.

The decline was inevitable.
And yes, it gives me a bit of pleasure
to deny the gold without value
that you come to offer to this my exchange bureau.

Because let’s be honest,
in the few good mornings we had together,
I was always the only one to dispose of them.
Yes, I am glad not to accept your worthless gold.

As I said, the decline was inevitable.
We can give you reasons why it is no longer business
change your pitiful currencies.

You see — the lines that have not left your mouth,
are no longer intriguing, and those you say are ephemerally atrocious!
Already the attempts you make are so poor,
that doing everyone a favor, I should be the one
who pays you a commission every time you shut up.

Your never again money changer.



Rosaura Sánchez

In eternal rehab from my own thoughts - You can find me in the garden playing with my favorite dreams.