Paola Rosciano
2 min readMar 11, 2016

My boyfriend is on Tinder.

I come up to hug him and after kissing his cheek I notice his phone...

I’m not nosy, I would never check his phone on purpose. I just glanced at it and saw a white screen with what I assume are chat conversations and a little flame icon in a corner.

I’ve never been on Tinder, but apparently I know enough of it, have seen enough screenshots here and there to recognize it. — Kudos to Tinder on their unique design choices.

Let’s not panic and do a fact check…

Let’s check what we know:

  • That’s definitely Tinder. Well, I’m 90% sure, after all I don’t know all the apps out there.
  • Tinder is a DATING app.
  • Tinder has acquired lots fame as a single-night hookup app.
  • My boyfriend is on Tinder.

This is not helping against the panic… Let’s move on:

  • I trust my boyfriend.
  • He wouldn’t cheat on me, right? He loves me.

There’s no way I’m going to settle this alone in my head and talking to any of my friends would just increase the panic to PANIC!! and end up in a monumental fight and most likely a break-up.

I let the rational me take over… I love him and I truly do trust him. I mean we had a long distance relationship for a year. If he was going to cheat on me he would really not have stuck with me, moved across the world to be with me, wait another 4 months LD and then have me move across the world to move in with him. Just doesn’t make sense. But I’m still not keeping this all to myself so I ask, in the best, non-judging tone I can:

Are you on Tinder?

I can see my tone must’ve carried *some* judgment because I can see a bit of fear go through his face.


May I ask why?

I’m bored.

After my brain fights the impulse to go crazy drama and attribute the boredom to me, or "us"; I realize he has a point. He’s home alone most of the time. It can get quote boring. I know.

When I was playing housewife the two months we lived in Germany it got very boring, specially while I’ll my friends were asleep due to the timezone difference.

So, my boyfriend is on Tinder… Looking for people to randomly chat with who will not ask “how’s your thesis coming?”… and I’m ok with that… Just asked him to be careful not to lead on unsuspecting girls who might think they’re starting a romantic relationship.

*image taken from SlashGear

Paola Rosciano

Social & digital marketer. Originally from Mexico, currently living in Amsterdam.