Types Of Writers: 14 Types Of Writing Styles

Rose Blomdahl
4 min readMay 10, 2022


Generally, writers fit into one of two categories: fiction and nonfiction. Within those two categories, there are many different writing styles. Learn more about the different types of writers, who produce everything from plays to novels to instructional manuals.

Writers utilize many styles of writing to accomplish certain aims, ranging from fiction writers who produce works of fiction to business journalists who report on breaking news.

  1. Novelist: A novel is a large work of literature that usually exceeds 40,000 words. Complex plot arcs featuring several characters are common in novels, which span genres including romance, science fiction, and historical fiction. Novelists are those who write books; you might be a full-time writer or write books on the side. Plotters, who methodically arrange the aspects of their tale and characters before beginning; and pantsters, who are more spontaneous and “fly by the seat of their pants,” are the two types of novelists.

2. Poet: Poets are authors of poetry, a kind of writing that uses a focused, lyrical arrangement of words to express a notion, depict a scene, or tell a tale. Poetry may be organized or freeform, using rhyming lines and meter (which follows no formal structure).

3. Songwriter: Lyricists produce lyrics that are then set to music. A songwriter may be hired by a musician to offer lyrical accompaniment to a song, or they may create both the words and the music.

4. Playwright: Playwrights create tales for actors to play out on a stage. Although the market for budding playwrights is tough, playwriting can be a rewarding endeavor for individuals who want to see their tales come to life.

5. Short story writer: Short tales are short works of literature that convey a narrative in a fraction of the time it takes to read a book. Short tales are often included in publications or collected in anthologies. The typical short narrative is between 5,000 and 10,000 words long, although it may be as short as 1,000 words. A flash fiction tale is a brief narrative of no more than 500 words.

6. Screenwriter: Screenwriters create creative television and film screenplays. They might also convert a book, narrative, article, or other source material into a screenplay. Screenplays have a precise framework and usually follow a three-act structure.

7. Blogger: Bloggers create their own web material. Though not limited to nonfiction writing, blogs tend to give fact-based information on a variety of themes, including cuisine, travel, entertainment, and technology. Learning how to properly compose a blog post to reach your target audience is an important skill to have, whether you’re a creative writer looking for an easy way to publish your stories online or an entrepreneur looking for a way to market your brand.

8. Business writer: The majority of business writers work for publications that produce information for specialized industries, such as newspapers or magazines. If you have a penchant for networking and a thorough understanding of industry-specific vocabulary and ideas, business writing may be a lucrative kind of writing.

9. Copywriter: Writing content for marketing and advertising is known as copywriting. Copywriters might work for a corporation or an advertising agency as in-house staff or as freelancers.

10. Ghostwriter: Ghostwriters are those who write for others. This necessitates the one-of-a-kind talent to write convincingly in another person’s voice. Ghostwriters collaborate with their clients to build a narrative and present their tale in the first person, such as high-ranking government officials and media figures.

11. Journalist: From op-eds to news items, journalists write it all. Journalistic writing may take numerous forms; for example, a reporter may employ an expository style to provide facts about a news story. A features writer or editorial writer, on the other hand, may employ a more persuasive tone and convey their point of view to persuade an audience on a certain subject or topic.

12. Nonfiction book writers: Nonfiction is a popular type of writing that combines in-depth research with strong writing skills. Autobiographies, biographies, scientific writing, and other nonfiction styles are common.

13. Technical writer: Technical writers are often employed by enterprises and corporations as in-house staff. Producing text for instructional manuals and system documentation is what technical writing entails. This kind of writing often requires a writer’s hyper-specific expertise in a certain profession or sector.

14. Translator: To work as a translator, you must be able to communicate in two or more languages fluently and correctly. Translators work in a variety of sectors and specialize in various areas — you may be a technical handbook translator, a novelist, or even a poet.



Rose Blomdahl

Rose has worked as an editor, agent, and publicist her entire career. She began her career at Simon & Schuster before joining the Amanda Williams Agency.