5 Valuable Lessons from ‘Finding Dory’ When You Feel Lost in Life

Rose Angelie
4 min readJan 7, 2018


Feeling Lost? You are NOT alone.

Do you feel lost in life right now?

Are you confused on what to do or where to go?

Have you lost the energy and motivation to get up every morning?

Do you feel trapped or stuck in your current situation with nowhere to go?

I feel you. Trust me, you are NOT alone.

I, myself, have been in a slump (many times!). Truth is, I wrote this post a few months back after my family watched Finding Dory, and at that time, I was at my lowest. I felt lost, confused, and overwhelmed with a lot of things going on in my life, with our family life — how I took a crazy leap on an unfamiliar journey.

After watching the movie, I realized how my life was pretty much like what’s going on with Dory when she was lost.

If you haven’t watched the movie or don’t know the story, here’s a quick plot:

Finding Dory is a sequel to Pixar’s 2003 film Finding Nemo. Dory (Ellen DeGeneres), is a blue tang fish who suffers from short-term memory loss, thus struggles to recollect about her past. She goes through a roller-coaster of adventure on the quest to reunite with her family after being lost when she was a child.

Uhmm wait, should I say as a child or a small fish? haha

Anyway, don’t mistake Finding Dory as just another animated film about animals, particularly about this wide-eyed forgetful fish. This movie is actually full of valuable life lessons we can all learn from. Important lessons to remember, especially when we feel lost in life.

5 Valuable Lessons When You Feel LOST in Life

1. Whatever happens, just keep swimming.

There will be a point in our lives when we get so down and confused and we wouldn’t know what to do. We’ll face difficult challenges and hit some roadblocks. Don’t be discouraged. Instead, we should remember that these are all part of life. In tough times like this where we don’t have much choice, remember that the only best thing to do is to keep going. So when the going gets tough, like Dory, let’s just keep swimming.

2. Take risks and go for it!

It can be really scary, dark, and confusing out there. We won’t know what’s in store for us. We can’t exactly tell what lies ahead. Sometimes, we won’t know where the road (or the ocean) will lead us. But it’s just there waiting for us to take the leap. My advice is, like Dory, don’t overthink things, but just go for it. Take risks and swim with the flow. It might be a crazy idea to do, but most of the time, it’s the right way to go.

3. It’s OKAY to ask for help.

Always remember in times of trouble and you just seem to not know what to do or where to go, do not hesitate to call for help. Nobody died from doing so. So set aside your pride(and everything else that hinders you from asking help) and reach out to someone for help. The bottom line is, we all need help sometimes.

4. You will never figure everything out.

It’s okay to not know everything, who does? (even Google can’t figure out everything) That’s why we have teachers, schools, mentors, coaches, books and of course, the internet. For what is life if we have everything figured out, right? Don’t forget that life is a puzzle that will require us to fit the pieces together to form the whole picture.

5. Always come back home.

At the end of the day, HOME is where we’d feel the happiest and most alive. Yeah sure, bright lights and fancy restaurants might just do the trick and capture your attention for a while but it’s only a matter of time until you realize how much you miss home. There’s always going to be a part of you that will want to come back home. Truth is, nothing feels like home. It’s where all of us are most comfortable in and we can pretty much be ourselves.

Remember, everything — including the tough times — shall all pass. Smile and keep going, my friend! :)

This post originally appeared on my Lifestyle + Parenting Blog, Mommy Wanders.

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Rose Angelie

Social Media Manager, Virtual Assistant, Squarespace Website Designer | Freelance Digital Marketer for Hire.