A night before Rome

3 min readAug 16, 2023


I spent two days planning my trip to Italy. These two days have been the most devastating, overwhelming and scariset experience in my entire life. First of all, I’m super indecisive, before made up my mind, I already spent days and nights on deciding if I’m going to Italy or staying in Span. Secondly, I never traveled like this before. It’s like you gave a second grade student a six grade math homework and expected him to finished it in two days. “Impossibile! ” I could hear an Italian shout it with gesture. As soon as I started to do some research, a lots of words popped out. “Dangerous” “pickpocketing” “chaotic” I turned off my phone, shoving my face in a pillow my face in a pillow

“Do I really want to go ?”

“YES.” I heard my heart gave me a weak but an affirmative answer.

I just broke up with my ex. I was heartbroken and I couldn't eat, sleep or do anything. I know I need this, I need some quality time with myself. Our relationship had keep me distractive from my goals and dreams. Not to mention those arguments, jealousy had almost drained me out. “If fear is the only thing got you concerned, then you should go.” My best friend N told me “ Fear is such a strong emotion. I know you’re afraid of the unknown. But I’ve been traveling alone and nothing bad had ever happened. You just have to be careful. Give it a try. Once you’re out there, you’ll realize how easy and amazing solo travel can be.” With everyone’s witness, I finally booked my flight ticket to Rome and planned to stay five days in Rome and some days in Tuscany. But that just a beginning of my nightmare. What I didn’t know is that I totally got the wrong date. I was gonna avoid the holiday weekend in Italy, instead I had to deal with the crowd of tourist in Rome, trying to find a hostel bed under 70 euro. Once again, Italy beat me. However, this is the time that I learnt about my one of my biggest insecurity. I prefer stayed at one place, one city because I thought moving around was complicated. What if I pushed myself furtherer, to open up more. I could do more research on the transportation and read more guide articles, I’m willing to do anything to make myself feel comfortable and safe. But I don’t want fear and anxiety to stop me from going on this adventure that I’ve been longing for so long. Here’s one of my favorite paragraphy from Big Magic

“Dearest Fear: Creativity and I are about to go on a road trip together. I understand you’ll be joining us, because you always do. I acknowledge that you believe you have an important job to do in my life, and that you take your job seriously. Apparently your job is to induce complete panic whenever I’m about to do anything interesting — and, may I say, you are superb at your job. So by all means, keep doing your job, if you feel you must. But I will also be doing my job on this road trip, which is to work hard and stay focused. And Creativity will be doing its job, which is to remain stimulating and inspiring. There’s plenty of room in this vehicle for all of us, so make yourself at home, but understand this: Creativity and I are the only”

“living a life that is driven more strongly by curiosity than by fear.” So in the end, I pushed myself out of my comfort zone. I planned a 12days trip to Italy. two days in Rome, and somehow an unexpected stay in Sicily. And during those days in Italy. I found love, answer and I recovered from the heartbreak. It healed me. And just like how Italian would say it “tutto apposto” Everything is going to be alright.


我想我永遠不會忘記決定要去羅馬的那幾天,我坐在客廳的桌子前撕去一張張計畫,塗塗改改了數十次。 我的胃在翻攪,面對有限的預算、水漲船高的房價還有近乎零經驗的自己。我的焦慮和恐慌排山倒海而來。攤在面前的是對獨旅的未知和疑惑,是語言不通和複雜龐大的交通方式。「我真的可以嗎?」我大概問自己數百次這樣的問題。但站在天秤的另一邊,另一種聲音堅定地告訴我,我需要去旅行。我要找回自己。前段感情中磨去太多的自我及產生對對方的依賴,我仰賴著感情給我的勇氣和安全感。所以回歸自己又是如此重要的課題。要去,不管怎麼樣。






"through your loving eyes, see all around you in the same way"