How Artificial Intelligence Saved America

Rose Gilbert Anderson
3 min readMay 15, 2023
Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

My future self showed up again today. I had a few questions for her about AI (artificial intelligence). After I asked about flying cars, of course.

MN (Me now): I have to ask you about something. Here in 2023 everyone is talking about AI and how it’s probably the end of the world. How does that work out in the future?

FM (Future me): It was a mess at first. Everyone trying to use AI to take hamburger orders or drive school buses. A lot of crappy books were written and even more blogs. But then we finally figured out the best use of AI.

MN: And that was?

FM: We replaced all the congressmen/congresswomen with AI bots.

MN: You’re kidding right?

FM: Absolutely not, it was brilliant.

MN: How could that possibly be brilliant? Placing control of our country into the hands of bots?

FM: Well, placing it into the hands of corrupt, money grubbing crooks hadn’t worked out, so we figured what the heck?

MN: So, what happened?

FM: First off, it saved us a ton of money. No more exorbitant salaries, padded expense accounts, secret servicemen, or retirement plans that make social security look like peanuts. They even showed up for work every day. Every. Single…



Rose Gilbert Anderson

Ghostwriter, resume writer, avid uke player, compulsive reader, former magician and ventriloquist.