Your Chickens are Dinosaurs (and NOT the plant-eating kind!)

Sorry to burst your bubble — but vegetarian-fed chicken just ain’t natural

Sue Senger
8 min readOct 18, 2019


Photo by chuttersnap on Unsplash

Go into any supermarket today and the array of choices for eggs and chicken meat is nothing short of mind-boggling. Organic, free run, pastured, and conventional products all vie for your attention and consumer dollars.

In an effort to capitalize on the latest plant-based diets and meatless trends, more and more chicken and egg products are being labelled as coming from “vegetarian-fed”, “vegetarian-diet”, or “plant-based diet” chickens. It has even becoming a selling point for some restaurants and various processed foods . The idea is that feeding chickens a vegetarian diet somehow makes the meat or eggs healthier too.

But are vegetarian diets really better for chickens? I would clearly argue the answer to that is an emphatic “NO!” And I have T. rex on my side to prove it.

What does vegetarian-fed chicken mean?

Vegetarian-fed chickens are provided a diet made only of plants with no animal proteins. Some combination of grains, corn and soy are typically ground and extruded into pelleted or crumbled form for easier feeding.



Sue Senger

PhD (Biology), MSc (Plant Science), Landscape ecologist, Freelance Writer; Farmer:; Founder: Food Abundance Revolution: