Why mulch? 8 Ways Mulch Improves your Garden

Sue Senger
7 min readAug 27, 2022
Bare soil needs to become a thing of the past (Photo by Kamala Bright on Unsplash)

Why Mulch?

We see it all the time and that leads us to believe it is “normal”. But gardens with bare soil are actual losing water, nutrients, soil and even life at alarming rates!

When it comes to gardening, there are two superheros everyone needs at their side to turn an ordinary patch of ground into an extraordinary garden: Compost and Mulch.

While compost gets a lot (a LOT) of attention for its recycling and waste reduction actions, mulch tends to just hang around background. But don’t be fooled! Mulch is a critical factor in garden success and once you know its secrets, you will be relying on it as the heavy lifter that gets a lot of work done so you can go sip a cool drink on the patio.

What is mulch?

Mulch is any organic material that you add to the soil surface that can break down over time to contribute to soil structure, while not adding harmful substances to the soil or harming plants in the process. That said, there are at least 8 functions that mulch performs in your garden while doing that simple act of breaking down.

8 SUPERHERO Reasons Why Mulch is Critical in Your Food Garden




Sue Senger

PhD (Biology), MSc (Plant Science), Landscape ecologist, Freelance Writer; Farmer: www.rosehillfarm.ca; Founder: Food Abundance Revolution: www.foodabundance.ca