How to do hard things:-explained by me, while doing something hard.

alan roseman
2 min readAug 7, 2023


I absolutely hate writing, but I'll do it anyway, for this article about discipline, because I don't have any discipline.

Now you may think it is weird for a guy who doesn't have discipline, to teach others the same thing.

Well, you are right. I am not qualified, but I will write my failures here anyway, so at least I can get better.

credit:- google chrome

Discipline is doing hard stuff when you don't want to do it. Every day for the past 3 months, that's right MONTHS, I've done the same. sure I've had productive days and weeks, but that's motivation, NOT discipline.

I want to think about discipline as a video game, where I gain levels by doing hard things every day, this article is today’s level, like the slimes or goblins in a video game.

so first say, a 200 m jog, then a km and so on until you have enough to do a workout and then run 10km(yes it’s possible, Its been done before)

Don’t just do good habits either, replace the bad habits with them, or you’ll just get the “I have no time” excuse in your lap, it's what I've done, not working to the limits and not reaching the heights I could have.

this is the purpose of this article, to remind me, and you, to do SOMETHING hard, no matter what every day, to build that skill.

Note:- I realize this article has no structuring and only one real point, so I’ll end it here and call it a failure(sorry, it's my first time.) anyway if you actually read this thank you, and I wish you the best of luck.

