Dr Rosemary Francis
Dr Rosemary Francis

I am a computer scientist, engineer, entrepreneur, parent and I still like to think I am a windsurfer, but as time goes on that becomes less true. I have a PhD in computer architecture from the University of Cambridge and I worked in the semiconductor industry before founding Ellexus in 2010. Ellexus is the I/O profiling company and we made monitoring and profiling tools for supercomputers. We were acquired by Altair in 2020 and merged with the High-Performance Computing division there.

I am now chief scientist for HPC at Altair, responsible for the future roadmap of workload managers Altair® PBS Professional and Altair Grid Engine. I also continues to manage the Ellexus I/O profiling tools, Altair Breeze and Altair Mistral and other analytics and reporting solutions across our HPC portfolio. Outside of my day job I am a member of the Raspberry Pi Foundation, an educational charity that promotes access to technology education and digital making.

Dr Rosemary Francis

Dr Rosemary Francis

Chief Scientist for HPC at Altair. Fellow of the Royal Achademy of Engineering. Member of the Raspberry Pi Foundation. Entrepreneur. Mum. Windsurfer