Wanchain - La reconstrucción del sistema financiero.

Roseri Litzain Cedeño Parente
4 min readOct 23, 2018


Las monedas digitales han tenido un gran impacto social en los últimos años. Cada día surgen más compañías que se vuelven innovadoras gracias a la industria de Blockchain, generando un ciclo de noticias casi constante que aumenta exponencialmente el interés en el negocio criptográfico.

La mayoría de los inversores activos en negocios criptográficos tienen una amplia cartera de criptomonedas. Aunque esto es beneficioso porque les permite generar diferentes fuentes de inversión, también puede ser engorroso tener una serie de carteras para cada moneda digital, lo que les impide gastar sus activos de una manera sencilla sin tantos procesos de intercambio. Dado que las criptomonedas no se pueden intercambiar directamente.

Actualmente, para poder disponer de nuestros activos digitales, es necesario pasar por diferentes intercambios que generan pérdidas debido a las altas comisiones por cada transacción.

Puedo citar un ejemplo simple para una mejor comprensión; para que tenga lugar un intercambio entre Pedro y yo, ambos debemos realizar la transacción a nuestra respectiva cadena de bloques, Pedro en la cadena de bloques de Bitcoin y yo en la cadena de bloques de Litecoin, para que él reclame las 100 Litecoins que envíe.

Si todas las cadenas de bloques pudieran comunicarse entre sí, sería una innovación para la economía digital y la solución a un gran problema.

Wanchain intenta resolver este problema basando su propuesta en "Contratos inteligentes de cadenas cruzadas privadas".

¿Qué es Wanchain?

Wanchain es una plataforma financiera distribuida que permite la ejecución de contratos cruzados privados e inteligentes. Su misión es reconstruir la industria de servicios financieros centrándose en una infraestructura que sirva de combustible para el futuro mercado digital. Wanchain usa su propia red, lo que le da una ventaja significativa sobre otras plataformas. Wancoin es la criptomoneda que sirve como motor de la red.

Contratos inteligentes de WAN

Puede implementar contratos inteligentes tanto en Wanchain como con Ethereum. Una de las características únicas de Wanchain es la capacidad de emitir un nuevo token con la protección de la privacidad en mente. Wanchain

Nueva generación de la cadena de bloques.

What are the cross-blockchains? It is a new technology of exchanges that occurs without following the hierarchical channels, that is, without the need to trust a third person. With this system, it is intended, through an intelligent contract, to unite isolated digital assets among themselves, allowing the exchange of tokens and assets between block chains.

The main idea of this infrastructure is that financial services based on different digital assets can be carried out in a distributed manner, finally forming a financial market composed of different business providers, application developers and customers.


  • Scalability for disparate blockchains like ETH/BTC
  • Dapps are able to take advantage of interoperability
  • Real-world scenarios based on cross-chain technology:
  • Multi-asset investment and financing
  • Decentralized loans
  • Multi-coin payments and settlements
  • Decentralized cryptocurrency exchange. Wanchain

The vision of WANCHAIN.

Wanchain will provide financial services such as origination of loans, asset exchanges, credit payments and settlement of transactions based on digital assets, to all blockchain clients in a secure and open manner, where they can establish their own commercial window.

  • Digital economy

Wanchain will take the digital economy to other levels, where it can be an economy accessible to all without centralized limitations.

  • Digitalization of Assets

These digital assets now operate in the domain of 0s, 1s, Moore’s Law and the exponential scale. The impacts on the financial services industry will be profound.

  • New opportunities

Traditional banks will have to adapt to this new digital economy infrastructure in order to have large increases in their income. Wachain aims to change the economic world with this system.

  • Financial infrastructure

Wanchain connects these assets and allows the development of banking applications that guide their flows in the chain, eliminating the centralized counterpart risk. Wanchain

Characteristics of Wachain.

If we study a little the whitepaper, we will find the essential characteristics of this project.

  • Private transactions through ring signatures.

The stamp signature provides complete anonymity to the signer of a transaction and, nevertheless, gives the recipient the ability to verify correctly that the sender has signed the transaction. Wanchain

  • The stamp signature provides complete anonymity to the signer of a transaction and, nevertheless, gives the recipient the ability to verify correctly that the sender has signed the transaction.
  • Because it is a system based on ethereum, it has assumed the functionality through intelligent contracts.
  • Your cross-technology system allows you to convert a digital asset from any blockchain into a corresponding proxy asset in the Wachain.
  • Decentralized exchange.
  • ICO Platform.
  • Functional extensibility; Exchange of several digital currencies, offering deposit services, loans.
  • A distributed financial infrastructure that seamlessly connects blockchain networks together.

One of the most outstanding characteristics of Wanchain is the interoperability between several blockchain, that is, different chains of blocks that do not belong to the same network can communicate.

It also has the WanLab department that aims to incubate and promote projects within the Wanchain network. Currently, new projects related to blokchain technology have been presented within the Wanchain.

Wachanin has the WAN wallet that can be used to store your WAN and other tokens. Merchants can move assets with a private or public transaction. Wan Wallet now supports cross-chain transactions with Ethereum and will accept more cryptocurrencies in future releases.

Wanchain explorer.

Wachain offers the block explorer that serves as a mechanism to monitor all transactions to enable any information, from checking balances, dates, rates, blockages of heights to quantities. Admitting transactions in cross chains.

DESCARGO DE RESPONSABILIDAD: La información contenida en este post no se tomará como asesoramiento financiero. No soy un asesor financiero y ninguna de sus inversiones debe realizarse en base a la información presentada aquí. La siguiente información es solo para fines educativos y de entretenimiento.

Enlaces a sitios y redes sociales:

· Sitio web del proyecto: https://wanchain.org/

· Productos y servicios: https://wanchain.org/product

· Documentos: http://www.wanchaindocs.org/en/latest/

· Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wanchainfoundation/

· Medio: https://medium.com/wanchain-foundation

