Working Mom Life Secrets No One Ever Tells You

Rosey Hwang
4 min readJan 23, 2019


We’ve heard it a million times before.

Life is all about balance.

Yet, rarely is the phrase mentioned with any useful advice on how to master this balance especially as a mom.

All that comes to my mind is walking a tightrope dressed in a food-stained blouse holding a beam with kids and the husband on one end and EVERYTHING else on the other.

The truth is we can try to balance our life, but inevitably something will come up.

Your child will get sick.

A deadline at work will have you working late.

Weeks of trying to do it all will leave you feeling exhausted and burnt out.

We don’t need more balance.

We need practical advice that actually works.

Something you can use after being up with babe five times at night, and still showing up to the office and being effective while you’re there.

This is what really works for mothers, and it doesn’t involve a tightrope.

Manage your energy not your time

Each day we’re dealing with countless energy drains but here’s how we can combat them.



Rosey Hwang

PR + Copy Expert — Energetic Sales Mentor — Quantum Coach — Attract Your Soulmate Clients: