How to become a good resource for an organization?

Key Players Are Born To Do Different.

Roshan Bhondekar
2 min readMar 23, 2017
Courtesy flash Imagine Mobile Learning

Organizing organization is the most difficult challenge in organization. If we talk about ‘what is this organizing’ is all about and ‘why organization’ required it. Let’s try to find out organizing means what?

Organizing is nothing but individual or outcome of teamwork and it requires lot of dedication and passion to earn it, any resource or any team can be well in organizing. It’s matter of — How you are different from others? What are the areas of influence you have? Are you continuously doing something innovative at workplace? What are the values, you have added for organization?

If you are able to identify what you did for organization is the best answer to understand ‘organizing organization’. While analyzing ‘organizing organization’ — we will get feelings about to become good resource.

Only mantra is to keep your vision very clear while working with organization. If you think (Organization = Family), you may feel the difference in life.

I have seen many resources in the industry; those are demotivated and negative about organization. If they have understood the importance of ‘organizing organization’, might be result would be different. If we are working for organization, it means we all are responsible of shaping/unifying/organizing an ORGANIZATION.

So, don’t be disappointed — While working for organization. Work for it with full of energy/dedication and passion to become good resource for an organization and after some time you will be expert in ‘Organizing Organization’. All the very best… Yes you can do it..!



Roshan Bhondekar

Founder & CEO of Transcontinental Times ●Artist ●Writer of Published Books ●Filmmaker of International Award Winning Short Films 🌐