The working principle of yolov8 and the difference between variants of yolo v8 how it is better than previous versions of yolo

4 min readOct 8, 2023


A well-known object detection model called YOLO (You Only Look Once) seeks to detect objects quickly and accurately. The most recent iteration of Ultralytics’ YOLO system, YOLOv8, improves upon earlier iterations of the YOLO algorithms. The YOLO object identification algorithm’s most recent iteration, dubbed YOLOv8, was created by Alexey Bochkovskiy and released in January 2023. It predicts bounding boxes and object classes in a single pass of the image because it is a single-stage object detector. This makes it significantly quicker than earlier YOLO iterations, such YOLOv5, which were two-stage detectors.

The Cross Stage Partial Network (CSPNet) design, a compact and effective neural network architecture, is the foundation of YOLOv8. YOLOv8 also makes advantage of a variety of new features, including:

Focus: YOLOv8 can concentrate on the most crucial areas of the image for object detection thanks to the new attention method called Focus. This maintains the speed of YOLOv8 while enhancing accuracy.

C3: C3 is a brand-new convolutional block that is intended to outperform earlier convolutional blocks in terms of accuracy and efficiency. C3 blocks are used all across YOLOv8’s architecture.

YOLOv8 can combine features from several network layers using the Path Aggregation Network (PANet), a feature aggregation network. This enhances YOLOv8’s accuracy, especially for small objects.

The head and the backbone are the two fundamental components of YOLOv8’s architecture. The CSPDarknet53 architecture, which consists of 53 convolutional layers and uses cross-stage partial connections to increase information flow between the layers, is the basis of the backbone. The head is made up of several convolutional layers, then several fully connected layers. For the objects that are discovered in an image, these layers are in charge of predicting bounding boxes, objectness scores, and class probabilities. The usage of a self-attention mechanism in the network’s brain is one of YOLOv8’s distinguishing characteristics. This process enables the model to adapt its attention to various areas of the image and the prominence of various attributes in accordance with the task at hand.

Three alternative versions of YOLOv8 are offered: YOLOv8-S, YOLOv8-M, and YOLOv8-L. The size and complexity of the neural network are the primary distinctions between the versions. The smallest and fastest variant is called YOLOv8-S, and the biggest and most accurate variant is called YOLOv8-L.

Here is a more thorough explanation of how YOLOv8 operates:

  1. An image is fed into YOLOv8 where it is processed by a number of convolutional layers. These layers take the image’s edges, corners, and colors and extract them as features.
  2. Following that, the retrieved characteristics are sent to a number of residual blocks. A class of neural network block known as residual blocks is capable of learning more intricate information than convolutional layers.
  3. The Focus attention mechanism receives the output from the remaining blocks after that. Focus chooses the most crucial areas of the picture for object detection.
  4. Next, a number of C3 convolutional blocks receive the output of Focus. These blocks take even more intricate characteristics out of the picture.
  5. The PANet feature aggregation network is then given the output of the C3 blocks. To increase the accuracy of object detection, PANet combines features from many network layers.
  6. A number of prediction heads receive the PANet output after that. For each object in the image, these heads forecast the bounding boxes and object classes.

YOLOv8 is superior to YOLO’s earlier iterations in a number of respects. First off, it is a lot quicker. On the COCO dataset, YOLOv8-S is over 20% quicker than YOLOv5-S. Additionally, YOLOv8 is more precise. On the COCO dataset, YOLOv8-L obtains a map of 57.9%, outperforming all previous YOLO models. And last, YOLOv8 is more effective. YOLOv8-S uses 1.8 billion parameters, which is a substantial decrease from earlier iterations of YOLO.

Here is a table that summarizes the key differences between the YOLOv8 variants:

As you can see, the variation with the most parameters and FLOPs also has the highest map. This is the YOLOv8-L variant. YOLOv8-L is the best option if you need the most precise object detection model. However, YOLOv8-S or YOLOv8-M may be a better option if you require a faster or more effective model.

Here are some of the benefits of using YOLOv8:

  1. YOLOv8 moves pretty quickly. On the majority of gadgets, it can instantly detect things.
  2. The YOLOv8 is incredibly precise. On a variety of object detection benchmarks, it can produce state-of-the-art results.
  3. YOLOv8 is quite effective. It is appropriate for usage on embedded systems and mobile devices because it only utilizes a small amount of parameters and FLOPs.
  4. YOLOv8 is incredibly adaptable. It can be utilized to find.


In conclusion, YOLOv8 increases object identification accuracy compared to its forerunners by implementing new methods and improvements. While maintaining high accuracy, it accomplishes faster inference speeds than other object detection models. It supports a number of backbones, including EfficientNet, ResNet, and CSPDarknet, allowing users to select the ideal model for their particular use case. It improves model performance by balancing the loss function during training and optimizing the learning rate via adaptive training. It uses cutting-edge data augmentation methods like Mix-up and Cut-Mix to increase the model’s robustness and generalizability. Because of its extremely adaptable architecture, users can quickly change the model’s structure and parameters to meet their needs.

