Exploring the Benefits of Electric Submetering Solutions California

Roshan Energy
3 min readSep 26, 2023


Electricity submetering is a crucial aspect of managing energy consumption in California, a state known for its commitment to sustainability and renewable energy. With the increasing focus on reducing carbon footprints and energy costs, electric submetering solutions have gained prominence in recent years. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of electric submetering solutions in California and how they contribute to a more sustainable and cost-effective future.

Electric Submetering Solutions California

1. Precise Energy Monitoring:

Electric submetering allows property owners, businesses, and residents to monitor their energy consumption accurately. This precision provides valuable insights into when and where energy is being used, enabling informed decisions on energy-saving measures. In California, where electricity rates can vary based on time of use, this data helps optimize energy consumption during off-peak hours, reducing utility bills.

2. Cost Allocation:

In multi-tenant buildings like apartment complexes or commercial building submetering California properties, electric submetering helps fairly allocate energy costs among tenants. Each tenant is billed based on their actual energy usage, promoting conservation and ensuring equitable distribution of expenses. This transparency can lead to a more satisfied and informed tenant base.

3. Incentive for Energy Conservation:

Electric submetering fosters a sense of responsibility among consumers by making them aware of their energy consumption patterns. In California, where conservation is a top priority, this awareness often leads to reduced energy usage, benefiting both the environment and the consumer’s pocketbook.

4. Sustainability Goals:

California has set ambitious sustainability goals, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing renewable energy adoption. Electric submetering aligns with these objectives by promoting energy efficiency and facilitating the integration of renewable energy sources, such as solar panels, into the grid.

5. Data-Driven Decision Making:

The data generated by electric submeters can be analyzed to identify trends and anomalies in energy consumption. Property managers and homeowners associations can use this information to make informed decisions about energy upgrades, equipment replacements, and maintenance, ultimately reducing operational costs.

6. Peak Load Management:

Electric submetering helps manage peak demand more efficiently. By identifying peak usage times, building operators can implement strategies like load shedding or demand response programs to reduce peak demand charges, further lowering electricity costs.

7. Compliance with Regulations:

California has stringent regulations and building codes related to energy efficiency and sustainability. Electric submetering solutions ensure compliance with these regulations, avoiding fines and penalties while contributing to the state’s green building efforts.

8. Improved Resale and Property Value:

Properties equipped with electric submetering systems are more attractive to potential buyers and investors. The ability to monitor and control energy costs is a compelling selling point, which can enhance property value and marketability.

9. Environmental Impact:

Reducing energy consumption through submetering directly contributes to a lower carbon footprint. In a state as environmentally conscious as California, this is a significant benefit that aligns with the state’s environmental values.

10. Future-Proofing:

Electric submetering systems are adaptable and can accommodate new technologies and energy management solutions as they emerge. This future-proofing ensures that properties remain efficient and competitive in an ever-evolving energy landscape.

In conclusion, electric submetering solutions are a key component of California’s efforts to promote sustainability and reduce energy costs. Visit Roshan Energy, we providing accurate datafor our valuable customers, promoting conservation, and enabling informed decision-making, these systems benefit property owners, tenants, and the environment alike. As California continues to lead the way in environmental stewardship, electric submetering will play an increasingly vital role in shaping a more sustainable and cost-effective future for the state.



Roshan Energy

Roshan Energy offers comprehensive Utility Management Services. We specialize in optimizing energy, water, and waste systems for businesses.