5 SEO Myths To Avoid Being A Content Writer

Things that are ruining your SEO

4 min readApr 9, 2023
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Being content writers, we come across some pieces of advice everyday. These advice are mainly from the people around us or from the content gurus on social media to whom we watch eagerly.

Woah! But are all these true?

Let’s find the out the reality.

In this post, I am going to share some of the false advices that I have gained from people and my experiences by practicing them in content while writing for my client.

Are you curious about the findings? I’m too. Let’s begin!


If you remove content from your website, it will decrease the website’s traffic and eventually down your ranking. Should it be well to have content on your website that is not needed for the audience?

One thing that matters the most while writing is to provide the readers with what they have typed on the search bar and landed on your website. If your content is not giving them what they want, then sorry to say your content is useless.

Isn’t it?

Let’s see what the reality is?


The useless content on your website increases your page load time. It means that your reader has to wait for your website to open.

It seems like you go to a shop and have to wait for a long time for your order. What if you have urgency or any other serious issue? What will you do? you probably go to another shop. Right?

That’s what your reader do. He prefers another website to seek his desired information.

Removing useless content from your website with no traffic improves you page load time and make it easy for users to find their intended information.


Writing longer content is a well-known advise for every content writer. Your content should be more detail oriented and give in-depth coverage to the reader, otherwise it will not rank on google.


Usually, people go to the Google search bar for quick information. They skim through the text until they reach the desired part. If you write more lengthy content, it went difficult for your reader to read.

As a result they leave your page early.

A short well-written article, that is highly relevant to a user’s search query can outrank a longer, poorly written piece of content.


Do you want your content to rank higher on Google just like your competitors? For this, you must start copying them. Copy their structures, outline, and even the whole content.

But does copying worth it?

Do you feel yourself satisfied?

Most probably, no.


To make yourself stand in front of your audience, you have to be unique. Otherwise, nobody will cherish you.

You can take an idea from their content and use it to make your work more effective.

Copying your competitors blindly will decrease your worth. The most effective strategy is being aware of your competitors doing and conducting your own research.


You must have to create backlinks with top websites otherwise, you can’t rank your website on SERPs.

Is it rue?

Let’s see!


Backlinks are an important part of off-page SEO. I am not denying it. But, creating backlinks with all the top websites that are not relevant to your niche, doesn’t give you back.

It affects your website’s authority.

Always create backlinks with the relevant websites.


Your blog post should be full of keywords everywhere. A strong keyword density is a must to stand in Google’s top 5 blogs.


Do you know how it affects your blog post?


Using excessive keywords results in keyword stuffing. Follow a common strategy like use your keywords in headline, meta description, first paragraph and somewhere in body but not overuse them.

Google’s algorithm got more advanced. Now it evaluates the quality and relevance of content instead of keyword density.

More focus on keyword density leads to less focus on quality of content. Focus more on quality.


The SEO myths are the things we are listening to and following for a long time. Yes, they were working then but not now, due to the advancement in AI. We should learn and adapt to the changes with time to be successful.

Hope it helps!

Happy Content Marketing:)




SEO Content Writer | Blogger | Content writing tips for newbie writers | Self care, Productivity & informative stuff https://twitter.com/RoshanShahzad14