Newbie Writer? Let’s Discover The Hottest Writing Type To Earn Quick Cash

Exploring the diverse landscape of in-demand writing forms to help newbie writers find their passion

4 min readMar 6, 2023
First learn then remove the L

Are you a newbie writer?

Are you wondering how to choose the right type of writing to serve you and your readers’ dopamine?

Just take a deep breath because you are on the right track. In this post, we are gonna cover some highly effective and demanded forms of writing that will help you make a living while enjoying working. So hold a mug of coffee, and let’s dive right in.

Creative Writing

Your mind is more creative than you think.

Your mind is more creative than you think.
When you put your imagination to work to create a story, that’s what we call creative writing. It might be real, illusory, humorous, tragic, entertaining, or informative. Let’s take a look at its verities:


Mainly unrealistic

  • Novels
  • novellas
  • short stories etc.


Fact-based or realistic writing

  • Self-help & instructions
  • Biographies, Autobiographies & Memoirs
  • History
  • Playwriting/scriptwriting.
  • Academic Writing
  • Guides & How-to manuals
  • Humor & Commentary
  • Journalism
  • Travel Guides And Travelogues

So, if you are a person of your thoughts and love to put them into words, then creative writing will surely be your cup of tea.

Business Writing

Business from home

As the name shows, this writing is related to your profession. It is a more formal type of writing which is used to inform others. You need to follow some set parameters and technicalities to cope with the requirements of business writing.

It has many forms:

  • CV/Resume writing
  • Cover letter
  • Client proposals
  • Reports
  • Memos
  • Emails
  • Notices, etc.

Writing for marketing


Use your words to market your product or service

This writing is related to buying and selling products and services online. You must have good communication skills to persuade others. It might be a call to action for your audience to subscribe to your newsletter or to purchase/take your product/service.

For a successful marketing writing career, you must hook the readers by finding their interests and being creative.

Some examples,

  • Writings on Billboards
  • Ads writing
  • Social media post writing etc

Technical Writing

Suppose you suddenly lose your internet connection while using an app on a mobile phone, and a message immediately appears on your screen.


Oops, an error has occurred.

From where it comes? There is a writer behind it.

Technical writing is basically for the user interface. You must guide your user in practicing the technology with your experience and abilities.

Here are a few technical writing examples:

  • Gadget Description
  • Product review

SEO Writing

Search Engine Optimization

How to write content that will appear on Google’s top page when someone searches for something?

Of course, we are talking about online writing. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the must-have skill that completes every writing category.

Online market

Online Market

Certain types of Writing in the online market, like transcription and translation, require good listening and typing skills. These most demanded jobs are posted every day on online marketplaces. Keep an eye on it if you are interested in this category.

Transcription & translation

Your client provides you with a video that you have to type either by translating it or in the same language by listening carefully. If you are a good listener, have strong typing speed, and have expertise in various languages, then go for transcription and translation.

Journalism Writing


If you are fluent in English and interested in current issues happening worldwide, then you are a perfect match for journalism writing. You can work for different news websites to write clear, concise, and fact-based articles and reports.

You can write:

  • Newspaper articles
  • Television reports
  • Radio scripts
  • Magazines
  • Columns (personal opinion of writers)
  • Feature writing

Final Thoughts:

All the forms have their own uniqueness and benefits. Now it depends on your possession to choose the one that best suits you. Whatever you’ll choose, shoot your shot, and I promise you will not gonna regret it.

Planning and doing are too different things to do.




SEO Content Writer | Blogger | Content writing tips for newbie writers | Self care, Productivity & informative stuff