The 5 AM Club — Book Review

Light & Life
2 min readFeb 6, 2023


Early mornings are my favourite. A few weeks into trying to wake up early, I came across this book recommendation by someone on Instagram, and immediately ordered it online.

I’m not a fan of self-help books for various reasons. The first half of this book is more of encouragement and typical self-help content to boost the morale of the reader. I enjoyed the second half of the book better because only there does he introduce the whole deal about waking up early. Robin Sharma has done his research well, and gives a number of tips and frameworks on how to wake up at 5am and what to do from that first hour, to attain maximum output from our lives. Supported by a number of scientific facts, he discusses a lot about importance of sleep and taking breaks, problems of too much gadget exposure, how to get optimum results from the work we do and life in general, and so much more.

I’m in a phase where I’m not a fan of fictional books too, so I felt it was unnecessary to add a couple of fictional characters and introduce a storyline to convey all that he had to say. I’d have read it if it just had only facts alone and no story. But fiction lovers might disagree. :)

Lastly, and most importantly, I disagree to his concept of how each one of us has a sovereign self within us that we must strive to bring out and connect to. He says that we are born heroes and that we need to do everything possible to connect to our inner heroes. I disagree because I believe GOD is the Only Constant in life and unless our goal is to stay connected with Him, we’d struggle and fall miserably by trying to achieve volatile human greatness which is fluctuating and fleeting. Man depending on his own greatness is a recipe for disaster.

In conclusion, this book is a great help to inculcate the habit of waking up early and bringing order and routine to each of our days. I’m looking forward to trying it out myself. He truly does share well analysed and helpful tips to improve our lifestyle and develop discipline. I would combine that with God being first priority in my life rather than my own self. If we can distinguish between that well, this is a good read!

