4 min readFeb 26, 2020



MOXY OID has developed the destructive building material we’ve all been waiting for — one that saves time, money, and life.

CERLOS was born out of our desire to solve four global problems; agricultural / forest waste, energy shortages, hazardous building materials and environmentally unsustainable.

We not only process agricultural or forest waste, but also take care of both production and use. CERLOS is available at a price that is equal to or less than its competitive products. This patented, completely new material will fundamentally change the trillion-dollar building materials industry.


It is estimated that only in the United States as a result of a fire in 2017, property damage amounted to $ 23 billion. USA, including 10 billion. Dollars. USA as a result of fires in Northern California. These fires resulted in 3400 civilian casualties, 14 670 civilian casualties. In 2017, as a result of a fire in the civilian sector every 2 hours 34 minutes and as a result of a fire in the civilian sector every 36 minutes. A fire occurs in a building with a frequency of once every 63 seconds, and a fire in the house — every 88 seconds.


Termites and rodents destroy the most common building materials from structural beams to siding / cladding. The annual pest control costs in the United States are approaching $ 10 billion a year, while worldwide this figure is much higher. In addition to the billions of costs spent on preventing insect damage, protection often relies on toxic chemicals that threaten children, other animals, and ultimately humanity.


Wood and drywall can trap moisture and nourish mold or mildew in our homes. Before the construction team completes the construction of the house, the wood is often exposed to moisture, rain, frost / thaw, the sun and even snow. Ultimately, mold damage can enter the home to such an extent that walls and structural elements must be torn out and replaced. Children and the elderly are especially susceptible to respiratory infections from mold.


In addition to death and destruction, available materials harm the environment. Many commonly used building materials contain toxins, such as cyanide, while others contain silicas, known cancer-causing agents. Many other building materials are considered hazardous waste at the end of their life cycle. Combined with the fact that these materials contribute to massive deforestation, we create more unsuitable waste while depleting resources.


Why are we selling tokens?

We have existing prototypes. CERLOS is working. The high volume production process has been confirmed. Now we need to tell the world! Selling tokens will allow us to scale the concept of CERLOS, covering the necessary production and marketing costs necessary to complete orders.

Unsold tokens will be held by the Company as treasury tokens. Like treasury shares, they are not taken into account when distributing dividends or calculating profits per one token. The company, by decision of the board of directors, may decide to offer them again for financing in the future.

Who will be entitled to invest?

Qualified investors must go through the KYC process. Investors from the following countries are not allowed to participate: Malaysia, USA, Canada, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Congo, Libya, North Korea, Somalia, Sudan, Ukraine, Venezuela, Yemen, Zimbabwe, Belarus, Cuba.


MINIMUM GOAL — $ 2,000,000

FINANCING PURPOSE — $ 20,800,000

RATED COST — $ 1.00

JURISDICTION — Labuan — Malaysia

ASSET CLASS — Asset Token

INVESTOR RIGHT — right to participate in profits


Use of funds

Our roadmap

Alan Heywood (President and CTO) acquired the patent and founded C-Max Technologies International Inc.

Laboratory research and testing. IP developed. 12 million dollars spent on research and development.


C-Max Technologies is dissolved. Alan is developing the technology as an individual entrepreneur.

Alan continues research, focusing on ingredient sources and processing equipment. Collaboration with the Corvallis Tool company from Oregan on the development and manufacture of the preliminary design. Next, 1 million dollars is spent on research and development.

MOXY OID is designed to help manage and commercialize technology. Cost: $ 2 million.

The Pilot Plant was built in Holland by the VDL Enabling Technologies group. Mass production confirmed. 7 million dollars spent.

Preparation and development of websites and documents to finance large-scale production and legal requirements. The cost is 500 thousand. Dollars.

March 2020

First quarter of 2020
Start designing / building a high-capacity production line

Second quarter 2020
Canada / US Choice

Second quarter 2021
The first high-capacity exercise at 450 million feet per year in North America

Management Company

Photo by Roberta Bedara

Alan Heywood
President CTO / Inventor

Robert Let
CIPM, CISM, CISSP, CRISC, Director of Information Technology

Mark Soloman
Vice President of Business Development and Marketing

Antoon eggenhuizen
European Advisor


Don ashok
Technical Advisor

Become Menon
Blockchain Advisor

Kate Alippa
Marketing consultant


Website: https://cerlos.io/

Whitepaper: https://cerlos.io/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Cerlos_Whitepaper_v4.pdf

Medium: https://medium.com/@moxy_cerlos

Linkedin: https://linkedin.com/company/moxyoid/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-aWkf565-blgwQOo8AnhzQ

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Moxy_CERLOS

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Moxyoid/

Telegram: https://t.me/moxy_cerlos

BTT Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2675979

Eth address: 0xC7f312F875021679E872b796bd181c765845ba2F

