Hustling For The Hustle Life

Rosie W
3 min readMay 22, 2018


Credit: sidehustlebusinessschool

Ironic that I’m writing this whilst nursing my third coffee for the day. The hustle truly never stops — especially when you’re in such a fast-paced society with ever-changing market trends and you’re inundated in so much noise to filter through every day to get to the content you want. And also if you’re a university student and it is currently peak stress season — there’s that too.

The world simply does not stop moving — blink and you’ll be behind. That’s why it’s important to hustle. The word ‘hustle’ is thrown around often enough as a means of motivation but what does it actually entail? Are there limitations to the hustle life?

In a recent podcast I lent my ear to during my morning commute details the hustle process — and that there are absolutely no limitations as to who, what, when, and why one needs to hustle.

In the first half of this podcast, our host Gary Vee gets extremely passionate about the hustle life when a viewer sends in a question asking if it’s difficult to hustle as an entrepreneur outside of the Americas. What? 😱

There could have been no better way for this podcast to have delivered the meaning of what hustling is and why the question that was sent in was quite… questionable. Gary really asserts that limitations, especially those that are external, should not be variables of your hustling. It’s about your drive, work ethic, and the process of hustling that is, well, the essence of the hustle.

As the podcast takes on a largely Q&A format and is so honest in nature — it is the perfect format for Gary to deliver and talk about this particular concept. Since Gary is a motivational speaker, this works perfectly with the almost candid nature of the podcast. You’re a listener and you’re going to want the most raw and real advice you can get from someone as successful as Gary and these #AskGaryVee sessions do just that. There’s no fluff — just advice straight from the horse’s mouth delivered straight to where you are; whether you’re listening on your commute or during a well-deserved lunch break.

Not going to lie, I subconsciously shared the same thoughts as the question sender. America is prided on being the entrepreneur paradise. Being a part of the Australian business landscape — I don’t really see this happening on home soil. If I ever had a dream of making it big in business; America would be the context it were to happen in. Perhaps it is how glorified the media presents the States, or perhaps it is my personal lack of understanding of Australia’s business world, and America’s likewise(I definitely need to work on this).

Regardless, one thing I have learnt, is that there is no end, no beginning, and no limit to the hustle life. It starts with you and will continue to stretch on as part of your personal and professional growth journey.

One thing I have learnt for sure, is that the hustle truly, never stops.

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Rosie W

Marketing student at @UniversityOfSydney. Self-proclaimed tea aficionado and film photographer. Find me tweeting at @rosiewrites93