Rise of the Introvert

Rosie W
3 min readMay 22, 2018


Source: youinc.com

Let’s rewind back a few odd years — let’s say 5 years or so. There I was, fresh out of high school and for the sake of familiarity, I had decided to choose to go ahead with a degree that had seemed right at the time based on my introverted personality — a science degree. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with a science degree — in fact, science graduates are highly regarded for their transferable skills sets by employers. However, even if I was introverted, pushing buttons in a lab or doing research on microbials were not what I had in my grand plans for my future. But I went with it, because you know, it felt safe.

If you had told me, back then (5 years ago) that I would now be studying a business degree and majoring in marketing at that — I most likely wouldn’t have believed you. It’s because of the notion that people in business are the louder, more extroverted individuals. The success stories of the entrepreneurs you usually hear about? Predominantly individuals with greater-than-life personalities — likeable or not. However, there seems to have been a shift in this regard with the rising advent of technological entrepreneurs who are your introverts behind the computer screens.

In Episode 56 of the #AskGaryVee podcast series, Gary Vee says that in today’s day and age, its the “glory days” of the introverted entrepreneur! Hurrah! With the fast-paced and dynamic digital landscape, things just don’t happen face-to-face anymore. To succeed as an entrepreneur, you have to capitalise your strengths. You do what works for you! There’s no one way to do things — entrepreneurship is essentially a very intense and well-planned creative game. So, there’s really nothing wrong with doing things the introverted way.

As an introvert, I was super relieved to hear this from the man Gary himself. Of course, at the back of my mind I had always known that there would at least be a place for me in the cut-throat, extroverted dominated business world — but I just wasn’t sure where. Sometimes you just have to have someone else tell it to you.

If you’re a fellow introvert like me, and you’re really looking for some reassurance as an entrepreneurship and marketing enthusiast, click on the link at the top of this story and give the podcast a listen. Gary does a fantastic job at giving his slice on how introverts can play to their strengths and become the entrepreneur they want to be — all based on his personal experience as a serial entrepreneur and meeting people from all walks of life. He is super casual and motivational (you’re going to want to put your gears into action straight away after listening) and it’s almost like you’re chatting with an old friend — pushing you to do what you need to do. The podcast is short and sweet; taking out all the fluff and sending you straight onto the success path you should be on by now, and perfect for your daily commute.

So introverts, once you find your strengths and feel the motivation coursing through your veins— it’s time to hustle!

Find me tweeting over here!



Rosie W

Marketing student at @UniversityOfSydney. Self-proclaimed tea aficionado and film photographer. Find me tweeting at @rosiewrites93