Liberal Centrist… I Guess?

Ross L. Pulsifer
2 min readOct 5, 2015


What is an Ideology?

Up until the third week of government class I didn’t know there was anything but Conservative and Liberal. Along with that I thought Republican and Democrat were names that meant the same as conservative or liberal. A political ideology is a set of ethical ideas that a group of people feel society should follow. This leaves a lot room for variety in ideologies. The 5 big ideologies today are Anarchism Absolutism Liberalism Conservatism and Socialism. While there are many more, you see these talked about the most.

I Like Freedom, So Should You.

I’m a centrist with a liberal bias. Social freedom is what our country was founded on. For me social issues are the only problems I have true opinions on, along with a few immigration issues. I feel, everyone should have equal social freedom; Gays, women, blacks, etc. Heck, I don’t care if you are purple, you should still be able to vote and marry who you want. While I have liberal views on immigration and social freedom, I have slightly conservative views on economy.

Too Much Conflict

There is so much conflict because people are too extreme and don’t realize that humans can coexist with different ideals. I am all for gay marriage and its amazing that it is finally legal, but people still don’t accept it and it’s sad. Even though it is the law people like Kim Davis says it is her right through freedom of religion to reject marrying two people of the same sex. On the issue of race, we see the people express hate for Muslims.

Recently a teen was arrested for a clock he created himself. He showed his teacher and was later arrested for suspicion of a hoax bomb.We can see that this was done because of racial hate because there was no further action taken after the suspicion of a bomb. Schools are required to evacuate and control the situation but no such actions were taken. The kid was arrested and that was the end of it.


Political ideologies are just ideas people follow. This doesn’t make someone bad or against you, so don’t become a hateful person and listen to other’s ideas. People need to calm down and embrace what America is so proud of, FREEDOM. Leading a more peaceful and accepting life seems to promote a much happier life, but that's just my opinion. To whoever is reading this, Have a happy day.



Ross L. Pulsifer

I’m an 18 year old student at Mission Vista High school and have to do projects that require a blog. So here I am. I want to learn to squat over 400 pounds.