10 Secrets to Getting Views Famous Youtubers DON’T Want You to Know

Ross Hacks
6 min readJun 20, 2017

Whether you have just uploaded your first Youtube video or you have started your channel ages ago, you probably ended up here because you want to get more views and followers. To be fair, this is what every Youtuber is after so why not learn from the experience of your favorite Youtubers?

Well, you might want to, but you will soon find that the most famous Youtubers don’t usually upload videos on how to grow your channel. They don’t want to serve you, just another noob, the secrets of their success on a silver platter. That probably has to do with the fact that they have discovered these tricks after years on Youtube and a number of trials and errors. Don’t worry, we at 1 Click Promos always have your back and we went through HOURS of Youtube videos just to find the 30 seconds that matter to YOU.

The best part? All the tips come from experienced Youtubers. 100% tested. Some with only 50K subscribers, others with millions. Just so you know what people are doing to GROW NEW CHANNELS RIGHT NOW.


  1. KSI: “You probably want to start off with a good name. A good rememberable name. Next, you’ve got to keep on doing it, just gotta keep on trying. Literally Youtube is a thing where you’d be producing content constantly. If you could produce content constantly, you will do well.” Know the people in the community. Make friends, try not to make enemies. Because you never know, your enemies could be the next Youtube star and then you’re f***ed, aren’t you?
  2. Sunny Lenarduzzi: “Research! Don’t even turn on the camera yet because you have to figure out what your audience wants to know. 60% of views on Youtube are search driven. So you have to find out what your audience is searching for and make content around those topics. “ The three research methods that she recommends are 1. Social Media, 2. Google Keyword Search and 3. Youtube Search Bar. Watch out for competition and the views on videos, that would give you a clue if the search is potentially a great video idea.
  3. Science Studio:Invest. Do it. If you are all in on this and you really want to make your Youtube channel take off, invest in a decent camera and a decent microphone. I can tell you from experience, the first two things I notice when I watch a video is 1. How good the camera quality is and 2. If you have a really nice camera recorder but you are shaking it all over the place that is going to ruin the experience as well. Camera quality is number one and then the audio quality is number two.”
  4. McJuggerNuggets: “Consistency. You need an upload schedule. It doesn’t have to be really precise and you might not know what it is exactly right now but you will come into it. Pretty much you need at least one video per week if not a video every other day, or a video every day…The more content the better!”
  5. Madison Miller: “Thumbnails are KEY to getting views. Just ask this question to yourself : Are you going to click on a really dull low-quality thumbnail or are you going to pick on a really bright and colourful high quality thumbnail?”
  6. Video Influencers: “The second most popular way that we find people gaining new subscribers is related videos. This is specifically for the videos that show up on the right side of videos. For example, if you’re watching a green juice recipe video of somebody you follow all the time and you see another thumbnail and the title says “ The Best Green Juice Video” but it is by another youtuber, that is where you want to get onto to be able to get new subscribers.” Check out their complete guide on how to get your video in related.
  7. MyLifeAsEva: “Lighting. What I do is I genuinely film between 8 and 1 PM because after that the sunlight is way to harsh and I will not upload that video because the sunlight just washes me out ... you can’t even see my face! So you have to figure out and adjust your filming times, you might have to wake up earlier depending on where you live as the light switches throughout the day. You don’t want to film when it is dark outside and you have no lighting because the video will be just terrible quality. So what I do between 8 AM and 1 PM is I go and find a window and I wait to the point where the sun is in that perfect position where the sun is out but it is not coming through the window. I spread my curtains throughout the window and I pull the blinds aside and that is the perfect lighting! “
  8. Shan BOODY: “ Here is a tip that I did in the beginning and I am going to admit to it: I BOUGHT views! Just to make myself feel more comfortable with sharing my videos with my friends, my family, especially my more popular Youtube friends or to draw collaborations. I bought Youtube views off the top just to beat things up a bit because 1000 looks ridiculous but 12 000 views is “ you know this might be okay”. It’s only about 40 bucks for that extra 10 000 views. Now, mind you this is not a sustainable formula because if you don’t have the money like that to keep buying views, it can really cost a lot. But if you just need a little bit of boost in the beginning I suggest that as a way to keep yourself going. No matter what your view count is you have to keep creating content!”
  9. Magnus Ronning: “Don’t Promote on Youtube. I think that destroys your image. Taking advantage of your audience and using the “trust” of your audience is probably the worst thing you can do for your Instagram or your Youtube. I’ve got a lot of people on Instagram and I just scroll through my feed and then this post comes up and it says “ Check out these amazing wristbands that I got from blablabla! Use my promo code “MANGUS RUNNING” and get 10% off” And just immediately they devalue themselves, it’s like they’re not my friend anymore, they become someone that just wants to sell me something. I just straight up go in there and unfollow them. And I think it is the same on Youtube…That is just selling out!”

Now some advice from the big guy that runs Youtube:

  1. PewDiePie: When fans asked him how to get more followers he just started rolling. Backwards. On the floor. So I guess his answer is: do stupid stuff. People like watching other people make a fool out of themselves. Crazy ideas and sensational approaches to a simple premise is key.

While trying to grow your following just keep the following advice from Markipiler in mind: “Someone quote me on that. (Well mate, I did!) When people are doing Youtube, they are after influence, more viewers and money. And that is fine. I would be a hypocrite if I said I would do this for free because I couldn’t and I wouldn’t. It is part of my income, it is how I live, so of course I want to do it. It is my job. But I have seen this change in attitude. It is very subtle and very hard to see but it is definitely there. It is a change from seeing youtube as a platform where anyone can do anything and anyone can put up whatever they want whenever they want to a system where you have to follow strict rules. You have to follow strict protocols, you have to criticize others and no one can cooperate.”

Youtube has always been and will be about the viewers! Markipiler put it as “self-fulfilling cycle of pessimism because people want more and then more people want more and then people want other people to have less because they want more”! He also describes it as a weird democratic process. Views determine the type of videos that are watched (or should I say demanded?) and then others try and copy the same content in the hopes of getting extra attention from a popular search.

As McJuggerNuggets said: “At the end of the day there are no “secrets to success”. There are just some helpful things that use and strategies you can employ to pretty much get the best bang for your buck…”

My personal advice is: stay creative! If your content is entertaining and different (AND you have followed most of the above mentioned golden rules), your video is guaranteed to create a buzz on Youtube.

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Ross Hacks

📽️ I create films for the world's top universities. www.unishoots.com💰I teach filmmakers how to be entrepreneurs. www.fb.com/groups/filmmeetsbusiness