Introduction to the Truffle Suite and Dapp Development Pipeline

Breaking down the Ethereum Dapp Development pipeline using Truffle, Ganache and Drizzle

Ross Bulat
The Block Journal


The Full Package for Dapp Development?

The evolution of the Truffle suite is making dapp development look ever more attractive. Is now a good time for you to jump into this collection of tools? You will have a clear answer after reading this article.

The Truffle suite consists of 3 main tools; Truffle: the all in one Ethereum dapp development environment, Ganache: a personal, configurable development blockchain with its own GUI, and Drizzle: the newest edition of the suite that synchronises contract state, event and transaction data in a redux store for your front end — which unsurprisingly works very well with React.

Now, this is a lot to absorb; decentralised dapp development is a relatively new idiom. With new tools come new workflows, new ways to test, deploy, and update. What we will do here is break down each of the 3 Truffle suite tools, their capabilities, how to install and use them, and finish off with overviewing the Drizzle React project using a Truffle Box — pre-built Truffle boilerplate we can download using the truffle unbox command; more on this later.



Ross Bulat
The Block Journal

Programmer and Author. @ Parity Technologies, JKRB Investments