Cybersecurity is not about technology

What I learned while leading product in one of the most complex industries

I made the decision to join LimaCharlie with a lot of hesitation. At first, moving from fintech to cybersecurity sounded like an exciting opportunity (I have been interested in this field for some time). Then, I decided to do a deeper dive into this space, and the research led me into the rabbit hole of hundreds of confusing abbreviations and scary jargon.

From the outside, cybersecurity looks intimidating — everything appears to be deeply technical and product categories look incredibly complex. You can add any letter in front of “DR” and the chances are high you will hit a real product category. Or, you can put “X” in front of any two or three letters and achieve the same result. In case you are wondering, EDR, MDR, NDR, XDR, XSIEM, XDR, TDR, MXDR, and XSIAM are all real, and this is just a small part of the ever-growing list.

Having spent some time working in cybersecurity and breaking down the industry fundamentals, I no longer see it as scary as before. There is a lot to take in, but I think it’s possible to shave lots of time by understanding a few simple fundamental truths about this field. I hope this article will be useful for investors looking to get started in cybersecurity, product leaders, and industry practitioners. Let’s dive in.

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Ross Haleliuk (moved to

Writing about cybersecurity, product-led growth, and venture capital | This account is no longer active; follow my most recent writing at: