Generating Sudoku Boards pt. 2: Implementation Comparison

Ross Harrison
1 min readNov 3, 2018


Accident from a Style-Transfer network

Part my Sudoku Board Generation Series:
Part 1: Structure & Algorithm
Part 2: Implementation Comparison
Part 3: Rust for WebAssembly
Part 4: C++ for WebAssembly

Nothing is more doomed than a follow up to a blog post with “Part 1” in the title. It took over a year, but I was able to avoid this embarrassment and finally got around to part two.

This article compares and contrasts three implementations of the Sudoku board generator I wrote about previously. I outline a few differences between TypeScript, Rust, and C++ implementations. C++ and Rust were chosen because it’s relatively easy to build those for Web Assembly (will cover in a later post). And Typescript is serving as a performance baseline.

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