Why Sara Lee will win WWE Tough Enough.

Ross LaRocco
2 min readJul 21, 2015


If you aren’t familiar with Tough Enough, it’s the WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) version of seeing what it takes to become the next superstar. Judges pick the bottom three contestants (dropping the ball), then fans vote who should stay. There’s more to it than what is shown, but that’s not the point being made here.

Sara is portrayed as an underdog. Not necessarily the first to shine, or let a mistake get in her way, but she’s been under fire a few times.

I’m making this prediction now on a few things. The show doesn’t emphasize hard enough that she’s from the north (Michigan). As a Wisconsin home turf guy, there are extremely brutal winters that only her and I (in this small bubble) understand. Especially neighboring winter storms. It’s a toughness only we know. Believe that!

She’s a power lifter. Which is an art form. It’s not training to be an MMA fighter, but a different kind of mindset. Lots of creativity involved, and more willing to evaluate instead of spending 8 hours with a trainer each day sweating it out.

She chops wood. How many women have that on their agenda each day? It’s fantastic for upper body strength, and usually no cellphone nearby (unless you don’t care if wood hits it) to cause a distraction. Chopping wood equals DISIPLINE.

She’s got all the right stuff to win. Even though the judges want to see MORE action from her on camera, there are things yet to be seen!

