Rosso Brunello
3 min readMay 26, 2016

Voguish Suede Footwear for Men and Women — You Must Buy Them!

When it comes to the fashion and style, men and women both are equally conscious. It always concerns them, as to what to wear and what not to wear. Now when it is the question of choosing footwear, they never make compromises, be it in the material or the color. Both leather and suede are being used extensively in the manufacturing of footwear. When in winters you can spot women wearing suede winter boots and men wearing loafers, lace-ups and moccasins. These are popular among people of all classes and style statements because of their comfort level and classy appeal.

Just wear suede or leather boots or shoes and your style will have a total definition and you would love to wear them on every occasion. This footwear style is expensive because of its reliability and life expectancy which is considered to last for years. But there is a whole lot when it comes to different colors. Let’s discuss them –

Over-the-knee suede boots: This one wins the name of one of the most popular footwear of season. This is just the perfect concoction of suede and always in style This is well evident from the over-the-knee suede boots. They look super awesome.

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Black suede shoes: Are another attraction among sophisticated men who loves to have an intensified appearance of his closet. Black is one of the most elegant and stylish colors in men’s shoes. This is one timeless color that people from centuries have been wearing and will continue to wear. They never leave the fashion world and always in trend to impart you a chic look all time every time.

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Suede fringe boots: You can assess their popularity with the fact that in the past years, this footwear have really made the difference as their fringe feature can be seen in almost every footwear as the beautiful embellishments. They are still loved by women and they spend thousands to buy one of their choice. Due to their extremely appealing design, this footwear has really hit the market and is getting sold with hundreds of them every single day.

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Choose your suede or leather shoes with extreme care and the best part about them is that they can be worn with almost any outfit. Other than this you can also try leather footwear with trendy designs on

Rosso Brunello

Rosso Brunello, a leading footwear brand brings the prodigious footwear collection with the crowning quality material for product manufacturing.