2 min readApr 1, 2023



A picture of myself at work on a short break.

This is a continuation, and I will not give a lenghty intro. I will go straight to the point.

3. You will be stressed and stretched: If you like to chill and relax on a regular basis, please cancel that as a medical personnel. It will be stressful in medical and double in internship and become four times in residency. It feels like the higher you go, the bigger the responsibility, the higher the exposure to stress. You will be stressed at some point that you may regret ever choosing this line of study.

4. Your life will be disorganised: Your level of discipline has to be top notch because being in this field of work automatically disrupts the flow of your life, and your permission is not needed.

5. You will suffer from ptsd or simply become hardened: Being a doctor means dealing with negative experiences. You have to break bad news to people. You have to certify dead people. You will watch some patients die. You will have to maintain emotional distance, and this can be difficult if you are emotionally in tune. You will have to build tough skin on absorbing pain, especially if you are a sensitive person. There are days you will feel numb and days tears will flow and days you are moody from the accumulation of blocking the painful experiences you had to observe.

6. Be ready to be insulted, harassed or ignored: the truth be told is that many patients will come to the hospital hoping to blame you, and many will go extra miles to make sure of this. Some of them will never appreciate you, and some will try to exploit you, especially if they think you’re simple hearted. The interesting part is that you are not allowed to retaliate because it will be an unruly stain on your oath.

7. There are no holidays for you: You are not guaranteed holidays. You could be on call on any holiday, and you are expected to show up and manage other people. How you spend your holidays is dependent on your timing on the roster, and you can be on call any day.

That is a fact.

By the way, doctors’ day was on 30th of March and I still spent mine in the hospital on a call that left me numb afterwards.

Okay, I’ll stop here.

I will continue next time.

By the way, THE HOUSEJOB CHRONICLES is still on.




A Christian, Igbo writer who is a lover of creativity. An abstract artist, a medical doctor, a recipe creator and a lover of nature, cats, scarfs and vintage.