Why is Scrum difficult to master?

Renato Otaíza
3 min readMay 15, 2018


The 3 characteristics of Scrum according the Guide.

Spanish version

The use of Scrum as a framework to deliver continuous value to our clients has been hugely increasing during the last years in different types of organizations in the world (VersionOne 12th Annual State of Agile Report), offering the chance to create innovative solutions in highly uncertain, complex and changing environments.

There are 3 short characteristics that describes the framework, according the Scrum Guide. Scrum is:

  • Lightweight,
  • Simple to understand, and
  • Difficult to master.

How is something lightweight and simple to understand but also difficult to master? What is it that Scrum is a framework tough to dominate?

How do we describe Scrum?

When checking Scrum-related stuff on internet, on many of the events, courses and workshops we attend, or just in conversations about this framework in our daily basis, among various other instances, we find that Scrum is usually described as a framework composed by this:

Scrum team: The Product Owner, the Dev Team and the Scrum Master.

Events: Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum, Sprint Review and Sprint Retrospective (and sometimes backlog groomings or refinements).

Artifacts (or elements): Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog and product increment.

More information about Scrum team, events and artifacts on The Scrum Guide.

That’s it. Lightweight and simple to understand? Probably. The issue is that Scrum is not only a team, events and artifacts, it’s much more than that. We usually skip the foundations and more important components of this framework. Which are them?

What is not seen in Scrum

Scrum is based on an empirical model, where continuous learning comes from experimentation and, therefore, decision making is taken according what we have learnt. Thence, Scrum identifies 3 pillars as the basis of its utilization.

The 3 Pillars of Scrum: Transparency, Inspection and Adaptation.

The first pillar is Transparency. Every important component about the process and status of the work being done and the team must be and maintained visible. The Inspection, understood as a regular practice of discovery of improvement and reaction opportunities, brings the chance of Adaptation, both about tasks and team-related issues, and how to progress in the journey to achieve the defined goals.

Now, in order to enable this empirical model - represented by these 3 pillars described above - it is necessary to incorporate and embody the 5 Scrum values, which is crucial for correctly using the framework.

Respect for every team member as capable and independent persons. Focus on the sprint work and team goals. Courage to do what is right and to face tough challenges. Openness to changing environments and to promote open discussions about it. Personal Commitment to achieve team goals.

The difficult (and non-negotiable)

What is it then that Scrum is difficult to master? Perhaps the main difficulty it is actually related with what is not seen, what is hidden in the foundations of Scrum, what we don’t regularly talk and teach: being able to embody, live and promote the pillars and values of Scrum.

As well as Scrum without a team, events and artifacts is not Scrum, Scrum without real transparency, inspection and adaptation is not Scrum; Scrum with no values is not Scrum.

Scrum pillars and values are non-negotiables; and perhaps the difficult to master is actually the non-negotiable of Scrum.

