ORIJIN FINACE — IDO token launchpad platform №1 Multi-Chain Stage

3 min readMar 26, 2022


Hey guys, in the fast growing world of cryptocurrency, more and more people are looking to start investing.
Therefore, here I want to introduce a new project which I think is very good because it has many advantages that can make it easier for investors to invest and is very safe, namely an application called ORIJIN FINANCE.

What is Orijin Finance

Orijin Finance, allows users to invest in token sales of top projects across several Matic blockchains, Binance Smart Chain, and Ethereum — with additions to the Solana and Avalanche blockchains coming soon.
Orijin makes it simple for anybody to get to and put resources into projects with our simple to-utilize stage and dashboard.
Our cross-chain IDO token launchpad stage will empower impending imaginative undertakings to handily get sufficiently close to financial backers around the world, and in a flash rundown on Uniswap, Sushiswap, Quickswap and Pancakeswap and before long Advance Money AMM for Solalna based tokens.

Prospective creative firms will be able to reach out to possible investors via the use of an on-chain IDO token launch platform, which will be accessible on Orijin. In addition, anybody may participate in the decentralized IDO code, which allows pre-sale projects in a quick and simple way while being anonymous. Orijin Finance has created a blockchain-based platform that allows users to collect productive agricultural revenue and provide liquidity in a plain and easy way. The platform is built on the Binance, Matic Ethereum, and Solana blockchains.

Orijin Finance Market

IDO is a concept where crypto projects can list their tokens on a Decentralized Exchange and later crypto users can buy tokens easily without the need for KYC or registration. This is the most innovative way in today’s crypto market to raise funds, as crypto projects can launch their tokens and raise funds easily and securely. It is estimated that in the future more crypto projects will launch their tokens by means of this IDO and this is the opportunity for Orijin Finance because this will enable many people, especially investors, to be able to invest more easily and securely in various crypto projects with the help of Orijin Finance and other investors. project owners can use Orijin Finance to launch their tokens on 4 supported DEXs. Thus, the potential for Orijin Finance to develop in the future is quite high.

  1. Token name orijin finace

2. Ticker: $ORIJIN
3. Fixed Supply: 300,000,000 (300M)
4. Chain: Polygon
5. Token Contract Address, Check on Polygonscan


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