Roto Token News and Notes + Updated RotoHive Timeline + Speech

2 min readNov 19, 2018


hiding in our crypto fall out shelter :(

RotoHive did not do an ICO… so don’t blame us for the ongoing crypto bear market of 2018. We ain’t selling our ETH and BTC. Wanna know why?

Because we ain’t have no ETH or BTC to sell! Harsh times, truly.

But, I have faith in Roto and I’m grateful our token seems to have found a market just a month after our giveaways. We had a great week of staked Roto as part of our last fantasy football tournament and we will be giving away 1.25 ETH as part of next week’s prize pool. Along with 400 Roto.

Why the decrease in Roto tokens this week? Because Roto just hit LATOKEN and we have people selling their airdrop tokens to very smart people who are scooping them up on the cheap. No need to flood the market at this point.

Side note: the total supply of Roto is 21 million but approx. 19 million are locked away in a smart contract that will pay out SLOWLY over time. We also have a burn function with Roto staked to bad predictions that we plan to use. So the circulating supply should remain somewhat constant at approx. 2 million for at least the next year or so.

Our timeline going forward is basically:

  • finish 2018 strong with increased user numbers and users staking Roto to their predictions. Remember, this is a live platform so check us out if you haven’t yet at! More information/user manual type stuff coming soon.
  • take first half of 2019 to raise awareness of RotoHive and prepare for 2019 NFL season.
  • add (hopefully) NBA basketball and soccer/futbol tournaments in Q3 of 2019.

Speech! (below)

RotoHive speech in Richardson Texas by Anthony Adams

I (the tiny person in the photo above, Anthony) gave a BRIEF speech on RotoHive last week. It was only 3 minutes long and I wasn’t allowed to use PowerPoint slides, so there really wasn’t much to it. Might post video at some point but it’s nothing too in-depth. It was a cool event though! The number “7” is on the screen because RotoHive was the 7th project to present at the event.

More good news on the horizon, cheers!

