RotoHive was BANNED FROM TWITTER — New Twitter Account Incoming ASAP

2 min readOct 13, 2018


mfw evil billion dollar corporation bans us from their platform for no reason wtf

“They took the bar! The whole f!*#ing bar!” -John Belushi, Animal House (1977)

Be me.

-Work really hard on getting followers for RotoHive over the past three months. Even pay Twitter SEVERAL CAR PAYMENTS WORTH OF MONEY to promote our account.

-Build up great momentum by busting ass on Twitter every day. Organic community growth. Retweets, Likes, Comments, New Followers, Brand Ambassadors. All that good stuff. Literally stare at Twitter screen for hours a day spreading the word and talking with people.

-Get shut down without warning for “aggressive following practices” according to some Twitter yes-man employee. On the same week of our first official NFL tournament. And right after we just got added to

Utterly. Ridiculous. How you gonna shut down an account that was paying you money every month and not even give them a chance to defend themselves or apologize?

Look what they did to us :(

This aggression will not stand, man.

No, but for real though, we are making a new Twitter account and we really need our followers back. I’m gonna lay low for a day or two and then make a new one. It’s amusing to me because I see all kinds of shady stuff on Twitter every day, and they go after RotoHive for “following too many people.”

Cool thanks guys.

This experience has really opened my eyes to the amount of power these centralized entities like Twitter, FB, et al have over people. A decentralized Twitter (i.e. twitter without the Twitter, Inc.) can’t get here soon enough. The internet was not meant to be lorded over by a handful of companies and yet that’s exactly where we find ourselves in 2018.

Anyway we have some GOOOOOOD stuff on the horizon and this is nothing more than a minor setback. I will be back in a day or two to post a thorough guide on how our weekly tournaments work since the process is still somewhat unclear to the average user. Bear with us! We love you guys and stupid Twitter will not stop us.

Side note: I’ll be speaking at the North Texas Blockchain Alliance Showcase next month. Video of the event to follow!

Cheers and gracias for letting me vent,


