The Keyboard Conundrum

Quratulain Khan
2 min readJul 17, 2018

As a sworn keyboard warrior, I usually have a very strong opinion on every matter. I like being a stubborn assole who just wouldn’t give up.

The current political situation, however, has left me extremely confused, conflicted. And it is annoying as hell.

Yes, I want to vote for Imran Khan, not because I believe in him but because I believe him to be the lesser evil. Yeah, don’t tell me why I shouldn’t vote for him. Trust me I know that part. Tell me why I should vote for anyone else…in case you believe there is another ‘better’ evil…Say what!

Told ya it’s confusing.

There are just too many red flags that kind of make me fear my own decision to vote for PTI. For starters, IK is becoming a little too religious for my taste, and that too in all the wrong ways possible. Is it because he has learnt it is the only way to please the masses i.e. the under-educated lot? We need a leader who would educate the masses than please their petty egos.

No wonder IK is losing the support of the educated lot. Also, none of my non-Muslim friends seem to be supporting him; it is one opinion I really do care about.

That is not where it ends.

My second confusion is about the value of my money. What are my ten rupees worth?

Yeah, I see so many people appreciating the Chief Justice Damned fund, and just as many mocking it. I really don’t know how to feel about it.

Don’t get me wrong. I have a very strong opinion about whether we need dams or not. Yes, we do. DUH!

Does it really makes sense that despite being a tax paying middle class citizen, who also pays all the bills on time, I have to pay for a national project from my own pocket? It’s like giving Johnny ten rupees to buy a chocolate and then paying the shopkeeper from your pocket. And Johnny doesn’t even know where those ten rupees went. The worst part is, you don’t even have the chocolate. No one knows where that went.

And now someone tells me they will make sure everyone has a chocolate if everyone pays one rupee.

I should really stop with this allegory.

The point is I want chocolate…*sorry*…WE NEED THOSE DAMNED DAMS.

Is it really wise to mock someone’s effort, no matter how overly-ambitious, when you can’t come up with a better solution? What’s the right *smart* thing to do?

a) do nothing and mock

b) make a donation and know that at least you tried.

Seems like there is just a ten rupee worth of difference between the least we can do and the most we can do.




Quratulain Khan

A ghostwriter in the final phase of acquiring a physical form. With my own mind, soul, and eyes…a writer I shall rise. Find me: . ❤