Top 5 the most popular hobbies

Rous Bat
2 min readAug 2, 2019


To switch attention from everyday routine, people looking for a hobby. Doing an interesting thing, can help relieve from worries, calm nerves, gain positive emotions. If you are looking for a hobby I represent you top 5 the most popular hobbies!

5. Collecting

Collecting is one of the most popular hobbies, which is based on the collection. People usually collect stamps, coins, insects, dolls and so on. Collecting as a hobby has many advantages, for example:

  • creates the ability to communicate with people
  • does not require regular to give him a certain amount of time
  • promotes collector’s interest in history, art history

4. Cooking

Cooking can be perceived as an everyday boring activity, but also can be perceived as an interesting activity or even turn it into the hobby! To cook is always fun! Also cooking is a hobby which has no age limit. Cooking is a very interesting class because from tasteless raw ingredients you can make a very tasty dish. Fun fact — often people who cook eat healthy food. So, I can say, that cooking is a tasty and healthy hobby!

3. Needlework

When a person is interested in embroidery, we can say that his or her hobby — embroidery, if he or she likes to knit, then — knitting. But needlework is the hobby use of all knowledge and skills in this area. For example, if a person sewed a dress and made on it embroidery, it will needlework. Needlework is quilling, crafts from the salty dough, origami, beading — full scope for the imagination! With the help of needlework, you can create real miracles!

2. Drawing

Drawing is one of the most beautiful, diverse and at the same time accessible types of hobbies, familiar to everyone from early childhood. But currently, more and more adults, who have never painted, try themselves in this kind of creativity, and many people become a favorite pastime. Drawing is one of the most ways of self-expression. It gives to a person the opportunity not only to depict a landscape, portrait or still life but also to express his mood and emotions in the picture.

1. Sport

And of course, the most popular hobby is sport! Sport is an ideal activity in any of its manifestations. Football, basketball, figure skating, rhythmic gymnastics, swimming, boxing, tennis… But sport isn’t only playing types of sport. Also, sport is running, cycling and so on. And all this is fine! Sport is life, it is movement, it is health!

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