Why Does Your Business Need Telematics System?

Route Control
2 min readMay 10, 2017


Telematics in a broad sense is the combined use of telecommunication and information technology. It is widely used in Gps fleet management and vehicle positioning. But telematics is also used in many businesses, its ability to store, understand and transmit the information is making it a viable part of every business. According to latest telematics report 2016, an estimated 65% of businesses around the world are using some kind of telematics device. This is a big number for the latest technology. There are many ways to get your business benefited from the telematics. Today’s telematics is much more evolved from the simple telematics tool, and now offers a range of services to various businesses.

One of the advantages of telematics system is it reduces the overall maintenance cost, whether it a business of logistics support or vehicle management, it helps us preventing some of the major causes of breakdown, such as battery failure. By monitoring vehicle performance and reading fault codes it sends an alert to the driver/ fleet manager so that the battery can be replaced before the breakdown. It is also playing a great role in logistics, if a vehicle is carrying perishable items, telematics can help in updating the supply department about the temperature of the container and can help in maintaining a constant temperature.

Telematics is also used in businesses which involve machine to machine connectivity, gps vehicle tracking system is also an example of machine to machine connectivity. GPS also comes under the umbrella of telematics, now you can imagine how big and important it is in various sectors.

One of the common queries related to telematics is that staff/drivers concern over the privacy, they think that it is like someone constantly keeping an eye on them. Because of this, most of the business owners still don’t use telematics, they don’t want to disappoint their staff. But as I have said earlier it is now an evolved technology, many telematics service providers have developed some services which enable the user to switch between business mode and private mode at the touch of a button. For instance, if a vehicle is on a business journey, the driver can easy switch into the business mode.

Whether it is a GPS anti-theft device or tracking devices used in logistics, is based on the telematics. Telematics is making the business more easy and convenient and its involvement with latest technologies such as IoT and Big data is making it an important service.

