Rover — Featured on the App Store under Best New Apps

2 min readJan 15, 2016


We have reached a milestone.

We are honored to be featured by Apple in the Best New Apps Category. We love developing for the iPhone and we are thrilled to see our work be recognized by the App Store and to be featured alongside some truly great apps.

But a milestone is by no means the finish line. For our team, the finish line is somewhere beyond inspiring the next great thinker and changing the world. We do this by connecting you with knowledge that feeds your inner curiosity. All it takes is one powerful story to inspire one individual to greatness.

We are thrilled to be recognized by the Apple team, but our journey does not end here. We are working to accomplish what we set out to do from day one and that is to help accelerate the rate of progress of humanity by connecting people with knowledge that takes them further. The great technology products of our era have always done this. In 1984, when Steve Jobs unveiled the Apple Macintosh Computer it changed the world by giving individuals a tool that empowered them to be creative, productive and impactful at a previously unimaginable level. Steve Jobs called it a bicycle for the mind. The Rover team is honored to stand on the shoulders of giants to do our part in moving the world forward by empowering people with knowledge.

We believe that users we inspire today will move the world forward tomorrow.

We are excited for what’s to come and are always looking for feedback from you, our loyal users. Let us know your suggestions (new features you’d like to see, things you don’t like in the app today etc.) so we can keep improving Rover for you. You can email us at or tweet at us @rover_app. You can get the latest version of Rover here.

Thank you,

The Rover Team.

