Be a NaNo Rebel and write Nonfiction during NaNoWriMo

Jay Artale
2 min readOct 16, 2019


Logo Source: National Novel Writing Month

An Annual Writing Sprint

Each November fiction writers become obsessed with 1,667. What’s the significance of this number? It’s the daily word count authors need to acheive in order to write a 50,000 word draft of their novel within the allotted 30 days.

Don’t get discouraged because there’s a lot of mechanical work to writing … I rewrote the first part of A Farewell to Arms at least fifty times….The first draft of anything is shit. Ernest Hemingway

The aim of National Novel Writing Month is to get people writing, and use the time limit and word count target as an incentive to get a crappy first draft written. The goal is to write fast and reach your 50,000 word target so that you can then spend the next few months editing and tweaking your book to knock it into shape.

What is a NaNo Rebel?

If you’re a nonfiction writer, don’t let the name of this annual event deter you from participating—become a NaNo Rebel.

Rebels are NaNoWriMo participants who chooses to write something other than a novel, and most gravitate towards writing nonfiction. Rebels are acknowledged and welcomed by NaNoWriMo, but there’ no official Rebel-specific website tools or merchandise, because the challenge is firmly rooted in writing a novel.

But if you want to be part of a community that will help, support, and encourage you to reach your nonfiction writing goals, how about joining other NaNo Rebels this year to bang out 50,000 in 30 days. It’s the writing sprint of all writing sprints.

Once you sign up to the NaNoWriMo platform .. navigate to the Rebels forum to connect with other writers.

My Rebel Writing Project

I’m joining to write a first draft of book 4 in my How to Write and Self-Publish a Travel Guide series. I have three books in the bag already, and just need to finish this last one. I’ve done some research and have a rough idea of the scope of the content, and now I just need to write the first draft.

Are you planning on becoming a rebel next month? I’d love to hear what you’re going to crank out next month.



Jay Artale

nonfiction author & travel writer*corporate escapee to global nomad*on a mission to help travel writers & bloggers self-publish their books.