O Henry —

Natalya Therese
3 min readJun 1, 2020


Jack London’s dream house, Valley of the Moon, California — December 2019. Photo by Natalya Therese.

Come out, come out of that cabin now

Come out, come out O Henry

I don’t know if I should tear it down

or keep well paid the sentry.

O Henry he stood in the cold dark night

his last match burned on the snow

no hope, no hope for him to find

yet a light flickered in the distance.

Step by step he made his path

foot by foot he went

’til in the cold dark night, all around him felt

the sweet warm tinge of shelter.

Come out, come out of that cabin now

Come out, come out O Henry

I don’t know if I should tear it down

or keep well paid the sentry.

O Henry he rapped on the cabin door

his knuckles burned from the cold.

Slowly, slowly the door it was opened

by gentle fingers of rose.

Sir, the hour is far too late

what are you doing here?

I ne’er open my cabin door

for strangers crossing near.

Come out, come out of that cabin now

Come out, come out O Henry

I don’t know if I should tear it down

or keep well paid the sentry.

O Henry pleaded, oh how he wept

to release him from the night.

No gentle heart could it refuse

the begging heard that night.

In the hearth a fire raged

thawing his bones of ice.

O Henry fell on his knees before

the maiden that saved his life.

Come out, come out of that cabin now

Come out, come out O Henry

I don’t know if I should tear it down

or keep well paid the sentry.

Ne’er before in all the land

was such praise shown as that night.

The cabin filled with the sounds of love

wrapped in the warmth of their light.

Years have passed,

oh, how they’ve flown,

as the two they built their life.

Times of joy and hardship they faced

and kept their home warm at night.

Come out, come out of that cabin now

Come out, come out O Henry

I don’t know if I should tear it down

or keep well paid the sentry.

Then did appear one icy month

a woman wrapped in fur.

O Henry did start when he saw her face

and the tears burst forth from her soul.

I’ve searched and wept for all these years

fearing you taken by death.

Oh worse, oh worse this fate must be

to find you in arms well kept.

Come out, come out of that cabin now

Come out, come out O Henry

I don’t know if I should tear it down

or keep well paid the sentry.

Those fingers of rose he’d come to love

recoiled from his touch,

and as the door slammed shut he thought he heard

the breaking heart of a dove.

O Henry he turned to face the wife

he’d abandoned long ago,

but she turned on her heel and his cheek was met

with the stinging kiss of the snow.

Come out, come out of that cabin now

Come out, come out O Henry

I don’t know if I should tear it down

or keep well paid the sentry.

January 2019



Natalya Therese

Crafting words that cradle experience; honoring the light that exists in all beings, connecting us throughout the universe.