Stoplight ❤️ the OpenAPI Initiative

Robert Wallach
2 min readMay 14, 2018


We are proud to announce a partnership with the OpenAPI Initiative (OAI). In 2015, we took notice of the gathering community and the potential for the OpenAPI Specification (OAS), formerly known as Swagger, as the industry standard, and started building our platform around it as the single source of truth for describing APIs. We’ve come a long way since then, and OAS continues to impress under the stewardship of OAI. We look forward to the future of OAS as the standard for describing APIs, and the exciting opportunities it fosters.

Modeling with Stoplight

Here at Stoplight, everything begins with your specification. Once you have created an OpenAPI specification in Stoplight, you can leverage the spec to drive your entire API development process. Rapidly create contract tests, set up mock servers, publish API documentation with a click, and much more.

OAS in the Wild

We like OAS so much that we can’t seem to stop talking about it. You’ll find us at several conferences over the next few months. Come say hello and enjoy a talk given by our esteemed community engineer, Taylor Barnett.

Upcoming Talks

DevXcon, San Francisco, CA (June 4–5, 2018): Going to Infinity and Beyond Documentation with OpenAPI

OSCON, Portland, OR (July 18–19, 2018): Better API Testing with the OpenAPI Specification

Upcoming Conferences

Nordic APIs Austin API Summit, Austin, TX (June 11–13, 2018)

