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4 Crunching Facts of Stack OverFlow Developer Survey ’17

Each year since 2011, Stack Overflow has asked developers about their favorite technologies, coding habits, and work preferences, as well as how they learn, share and level up. Around 64,000 developers took an annual survey in January 2017. The dataset is public and can be downloaded from here.

Rohit Swami
4 min readFeb 14, 2019



Stack OverFlow has done a tremendous job in uncovering the hidden facts under the data of over 64,000 developers around the globe for the year 2017. However, I figured out some serious objectives that might help you to better understand the industry.


  • How education may influence the salary?
  • Gender Ratio of developers across the globe
  • The rate of increase in salary with the years of experience
  • More Languages = More Money?

How education may influence the salary?

The primary/elementary school graduates make an average salary of $62677 whereas Bachelor’s Degree holder make $56914. The essential explanation for the reality could be the disturbing proportion of dropouts from schools. (The person who trusts that skills could really compare to higher education.)

However, of course, we can’t plainly deny the fact that education doesn’t play any role in deciding your paycheck. The developers who own a Doctoral Degree get the highest salary of $78527. The compensation support is typically the greatest in the STEM fields. The diary Science revealed that Ph.D. holders in arithmetic, designing, and the sciences, can earn as much as $20,000 more every year working for privately owned businesses than the individuals who remain in the scholarly world. For any industry, Ph.D. holders are appealing contracts.

Gender Ratio of developers across the globe

The Situation is alarming! In this survey, 13.14% of global respondents were female. Be that as it may, there has been a positive increment in progressively female developers figuring out how to code, teaching other growing female developers to code, and setting up new businesses particularly for women who code.

The technology industry has a well-documented gender problem. The underestimated portrayal of females in the innovation field has created a few industry boards, TED talks and the new businesses of numerous female-accommodating coding associations.

The technology industry imposes a distinct gender chain of command between front-end and back-end development. Ordinarily, female developers are stereotyped as front-end developers, while men are the back-end developers, where they will in general gain somewhat more cash than their female associates working front end. Despite the fact that this isn’t to say this is dependably the situation. The stereotype exists even amongst the developer community.

The rate of increase in salary with the years of experience

With no surprise, the pattern is linear over the number of years of experience. Those very new to the tech industry, with less than a year of experience, can expect to get a normal pay of $24,673 (a year-over-year increment of 12.16 percent). Following a year or two, that normal pay hops to $33,953 (a whopping 37.6 percent expansion, year-over-year).

Go through three to five years, and the normal jumps once more, to $39,586 (a 16.6 percent expansion). Somewhere in the range of six and ten years in the industry, pay rates hit $48,057 (an ascent of 21.3 percent).

Breaking the ten-year point converts into boatloads of money. Those with 11 to 15 years of experience could hope to pull down $63,448 (a 32.02 percent expansion over 5 years ago), while those with over 20 years average $84,565 (a 33 .28 percent expansion over 5 years ago).

The progressive jumps in pay are obvious, taking into account how increasingly experienced tech experts can pile on pay rates, rewards, and livens equivalent with their ranges of abilities and significance to their separate associations. When specialists pass the ten-year point, they likewise will in general land in the executive and management positions that accompany higher pay, twisting the compensation bend considerably more pointedly.

More Languages = More Money?

Do you think that acing more than one language can conceivably compensate you with a higher pay bundle? No, you’re off-kilter.

A developer specialized in one programming language get a normal pay of $53,202 whereas the one who is skilled in 9 different languages (huh!) get a normal compensation of $53,301 (0.18% more). Having said that, you only need to master 1 programming language if your solitary concern is to make more money.

According to Stack OverFlow Developers Survey 2017, globally, developers who use Clojure in their work have the most noteworthy normal pay at $72,000. In the U.S., developers who use Go just as developers who use Scala are most generously compensated with a normal pay of $110,000. In the UK, it’s TypeScript at $53,763, while in Germany, it’s Java at the equivalent. At last, in France, it’s Python at $42,151.

End Notes

You can find the code used to drive these insights on my GitHub Repository. I’d be more than happy to e-meet you. You can find me on LinkedIn, GitHub and Facebook 😎

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Rohit Swami

Ex-Data Science Intern @ InterviewBit | Machine Learning | Deep Learning | Open Source Contributor