I’m Changing Up My Content at 24 Years Old and Here’s Why

I’m turning 24 in about a week. I’m growing up. So is my content.

Roxine Kee
3 min readApr 17, 2019

I’ve decided that my personal website, RoxineKee.com, will no longer be called Defy Gravity.

This is both an exciting and painful decision to make. And here’s why I made that decision.

1. I’m not in school anymore

For the past 5 years, I wrote about my experience as a student. These days I’m a hired-gun writer for sites like College Info Geek (where I still write weekly student-related articles).

I’m encountering new challenges that I need to conquer. Because of this…

2. I want to write about topics my current readers might not be interested in

I find myself itching to write about content marketing, copywriting, creativity, and entrepreneurship — topics that might not be relevant or useful to you.

At the same time, I’m a shiny-objects chaser by nature so..

3. I need specific guidelines on what goes where

Since I started working, I’ve come to value commitment, focus, and mastery over novelty, excitement, and spontaneity. I need help to stay on track.

So I’ve decided to publish my writing in two different places:

  • RoxineKee.com for writing on content marketing, copywriting, and creative entrepreneurship (all the C’s!)
  • My Medium blog for writing on personal development, productivity, and other passions I have (all the P’s!)


I don’t want to hide behind a blog name anymore. I want to publish stuff I care deeply about.

This means you can expect two articles a week on content marketing, copywriting, and creative entrepreneurship and my journey to master them.

More details to come. You can subscribe for updates below:

The Creator Maker Life Podcast

The podcast and its show notes will stay in RoxineKee.com because those revolve around creative entrepreneurship.

My Medium Blog

Regardless of where my professional life takes me, though, I won’t stop writing, thinking, and talking about personal development and productivity. You can expect that from my Medium blog.

Medium is also my sandbox where I experiment with my writing. For the rest of 2019, specifically, I’ll be writing about my personal values and productivity.

I want to publish once a week here, but for now, expect posts to come every sometimes.


This is another place for me to experiment with new content. But heads up: my YouTube channel won’t be active at all this year. For now, podcasting and writing have my full attention.

And that’s it for this announcement post! You can stop reading here. The next section is a reminder for me.

How I’ll Split My Time

Remember: fanatical discipline and the 20-mile march.

  • Spend 80% of my writing time on RoxineKee.com and on The Creator Maker Life Podcast. Basically all my weekdays.
  • Spend 20% of my writing time mucking about on my Medium blog and when I’m ready (a.k.a. not anytime soon), my YouTube channel. Basically some evenings and most Saturdays.

