Travelling and sticking to your diet…

2 min readMay 17, 2016


Recently I was sent across the country to work for two weeks. As soon as I found out I was going to be working away the first thing that came to mind was ‘but my macros?!’. Alongside this, i’ve noticed a number of competitors are asking about how to comply with their diets while competing overseas.

Don’t stress, you can still travel and diet, they can co-exist! All you need is to be prepared, be great at tetris so as to fit your meals into your luggage and some scaled for when your prepped meals are finished.

For me, when i travelled recently, I picked up my My Muscle Chef order on the Saturday (my flight was on the Sunday), I froze all my meals straight away rather than keeping some out. The next day before my flight I packed all my meals into my suitcase but not before wrapping them collectively in glad wrap and placing in a plastic bag with an ice-pack. I did this just incase they defrosted and leaked, I was travelling for 5 hours so they were out of the freezer for a good 7+ hours. I packed one thawed meal in my carry on in replace of my in-flight meal and the remaining meals I froze as soon as I arrived in my apartment. The meals lasted me a week. Once i’d run out of meals I simply went down to the local grocers and bought some chicken and veg, cooked up a storm and weighed it out to fit my macronutrient requirements.

Really simple! I got in all my lifts and meals in over the two weeks and there was no need to deviate from the plan.

Just a quick note, make sure you check the quarantine requirements before jet setting! I travelled to Perth and fresh fruit was not allowed but cooked meat and cooked vegetable were fine.

Happy dieting,
Roxy xx

