Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Physical Borders rise up while Online Borders fall, disappear and become a Business Advantage.

Roxy Vélez
5 min readMar 23, 2020


From practicing responsible social distancing, businesses that thrived in human connection and networking to generate leads started to struggle from the time that the big events got canceled, to now self-isolation being almost globally enforced.

Now businesses all over the globe, in order to survive and thrive back up are forced to shift online.

I am guessing that the self- isolation enforcement will go for many months, not only 2 months as I originally believed but maybe longer… I would not be surprised if we are asked to do this for even 6 months or more.

The advantage of online shifting.

For businesses, the power of in-person meetings has always been priceless. It is a lot easier to connect with a client or a customer in-person, yes, no doubt about that.

Now looking at the bright side, right now with this situation, your competitors can’t meet these clients in-person either. And what if some of these potential clients or costomers we wished to meet, were in another city or even continent?

We are now all online: only taking online meetings. So it is all fair game now. Not you or your competitor can do more in-person charming, maybe just some e-charming!??

Lady wearing a VR headset with a laptop in front of her
Photo by Kyaw Tun on Unsplash

And HEY — Online e-charming was always possible!

Technology for video calls has been here for over a decade.

A lot of the people that struggle right now, it is because they have previously grown comfortable in the offline world.

Now there is no choice, in order to survive, businesses must find a way to navigate the storm and continue online.

My guess though is that after the pandemic is over, businesses will keep these new online habits running as they meant fewer barriers to connect with whoever they wish to connect with across the globe.

Photo by Harry Cunningham on Unsplash

Digital Demand is skyrocketing making things easier for us.

It is important to remember that even if there is a growing demand for online shifting, there is still an economic crisis in the picture.

This is why a lot of companies like (Google and Zoom) are helping companies and schools to make this online transition. — And a guess from many is that finally, the education industry will catch up with the times!

These are not the only ones coming in the picture. From what I’ve seen this week:

  • Creative Software prices are dropping, online education courses are also offering generous discounts!
  • I also heard about around: we can’t try it, as it is not out yet, but this is looking promising for remote teams!
  • Or the MURAL app for collaborative /interactive live webinars with your team.

There are so many other Softwares though, it often comes down to taste. And I can promise as I’ve done this for 3 years now, working remotely has never been easier. At Vexquisit we use Asana or Notion, Slack, Google Docs,, and Dropbox.

So — What is next!?

Photo by David Dvořáček on Unsplash

After witnessing the start of people wanting to stay connected. I can only dream to see a push on more immersive technologies. Such as that high-end software for VR meetings.

After a quick google search, I found MeetinVR. It will be out in May, but accessible and functional right now in Early Access. I wonder who else is building a free VR meeting space!

With the upcoming VR demand, I hope the high-end hardware prices will also drop and other high-end competitors emerge. This is the only way this technology can become accessible for everyone since the need for connection will not go anywhere.

This digital competition naturally will speed up innovation at a speed never seen before, having, as a result, the birth of a Digital Revolution.

This growing digital demand is exploding. And this is only the start.

Photo by Akshay Nanavati on Unsplash

I am sure, new mediums, new innovations are just around the corner. And we might want to ride that innovation train.

This week I saw a lot more people going LIVE on IG. All those wavy bubbles on the top of my app were pretty cool to see! Oh, and I did it too!

A DJ/Dancer friend was even making a live party! — That was exciting!

People I looked up to, and before would book a trip to see them speak, now are a click away on a live session.

So many ways to stay connected, distracted and cheerful.

I know the news regarding the virus and the losses that come with it daily, are hitting us, making some days harder than others. I also have low mood days, but social distancing does not mean disconnecting. And through staying at home but being online there for each other is how we can come out best at the other end.

I’ve lived in many places across the world, each of these moves happened thanks to connecting with new people through embracing digital online possibilities. Now with Vexquisit Studio, most of our clients and leads I’ve e-met through LinkedIn. Regarding time zones if not too far away, have never been an issue. And my accountability business group: The-Pro Group by TheFutur, is purely from a weekly online connection.

So take advantage of the times and all these borderless advantages. Being online there for our friends, family, clients, does not need to be really hard anymore. And that is something to be really grateful.

Stay safe my friends 💚 And don’t forget to eat your veggies!

